January 31 - Job 40:6-42:17
Year Through the Bible
Good morning everyone,
Well here we are, the final chapters of Job. Yesterday we read a series of startling questions God put to Job. Today as we begin in chapter 40, Job sits in humble silence as God points out the infinite distance between Job and Himself, making it perfectly clear that nobody is an equal match for God. God will use the Behemoth and the Leviathan who God alone created and who God alone can capture them, as examples of His power.
Having never heard of these creatures outside of the Bible I thought I would ask my good friend Wikipedia about them and so I was informed;
Both beasts are chaos ( preceding the creation) monsters destroyed by the deity at the time of creation, although such a conflict is not found in the creation account. It goes on to say that Leviathan is identified figuratively with both the primeval sea and in literature – describing the end-time – as that adversary, the Devil, from before creation who will finally be defeated. In the divine speeches in Job, Behemoth and Leviathan may both be seen as composite and mythical creatures with enormous strength, which humans like Job could not hope to control. But both are reduced to the status of divine pets, with rings through their noses and Leviathan on a leash.
Suffice to say God made his point to Job, that being, if God can make and handle creatures like that then God is well equipped to deal with Job and his problems, Pam and her problems, you and your problems. God almighty is so much bigger than any grief we may have, real or imaginary. I promise!
In chapter 42, Job so humbled tells God “I know you can do all things, no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” I have to say it is so awesome when, and I am speaking from experience here, you finally let go of something that you have tried desperately to control but have no control over. Something that has been stressing you to the point that you are so tight you don’t know what it feels like to really breathe anymore. It is only when you finally go in humble submission and lay whatever it is at the cross, let go and let God, that you will be set free from those chains that bind you. When Jesus was hanging on the cross at Calvary, agonizing and suffering in unbelievable pain, He finally said “It is finished” and gave it all up, “all” being His life for our sins, then He suffered no more. We do not have to hang on a cross to be finished with whatever is causing us grief, for us it is as simple as dropping it off and walking away; and when you do, when you really, really take all hands off and give it to God, you will know an unbelievable peace. It is an awesome feeling of freedom.
In finishing up we see how Job is rewarded for his faithfulness to God. Would the message of the book of Job change if God had not rewarded Job for his faithfulness? No! If Job walked away to live in poverty and rags forever, God is still God Almighty. However, Jesus said that anyone who gives up something for the Kingdom of God will be repaid, so even if you don’t see that payment or restoration here on earth, it will happen. God loves us and our God is a just God. He will give us more than we could ever imagine as we relish in His glory for all eternity in heaven. Amen?!
I pray you have a great day. To God be the glory!
God bless you all.