June 30 - 2 Kings 16:19-20 | 2 Chronicles 28:26-27 | Isaiah 13:1-16:14
Good morning everyone,
This morning in Isaiah we come to what’s known as “the book of burdens.” Chapters 13-23 reveals a series of visions Isaiah has been given concerning nine nations surrounding Israel. It starts off with Babylon which is modern day Iraq, then in chapter fourteen moves on to the Assyria, the Philistines and then in chapter fifteen prophecies against Moab, modern day Jordan.
Babylon; when Isaiah spoke the prophecy against them, Babylon was not yet a world power, only a small city on the banks of the Euphrates River. It would be two hundred years before Babylon would be a power player but what Isaiah is describing is not their rise but the fall of the empire, the story played out in the book of Daniel, chapter 5.
Moving on to chapter fourteen and the prophecy for Assyria. God’s message, “I will break the Assyrians when they are in Israel” This prophecy came true and you can read about it in 2 Kings 19. Concerning the Philistines, Isaiah received this message from the Lord the same year king Ahaz died. Moab’s prophecy of an attack that would destroy them at night also came about. What is the message here? God is calling all the shots. He sets it up and makes it happen, and just to make sure you know, to make sure we all know it is Him who is making all things happen, He tells us way in advance. He does not want any of us to get confused and think it was by our own might or coincidence events took place.
I was having a conversation with my husband today about how we have all been told in the Bible, everyone knows, that when the anti-christ appears on the scene, he is going to “make nice” with Israel and help them re-build the temple and then he is going to insist they worship him. They will realize they have been duped and run for their lives. Now even though we have been told this is going to happen, and by “we” I mean the world, Jews in particular, and we have plenty of opportunity to plan, to prepare and make an effort to not be suckered in, it will still happen. You can count on it. Why? Because God said it would. Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter, that is to say, no errors. Ten Bible prophecies were fulfilled after April 1948, when Israel became an independent country for the second time in history. The probability of that happening is so astronomical that it can only have been from God. Seriously! It is hard for most people to comprehend the magnitude of that event, and yet …… it did happen.
It is widely believed that nothing more needs to be fulfilled before the coming of Christ. The last prophecy that was even debatable was whether the gospel had been preached to all the nations. Then Billy Graham got on the air and presented the gospel to literally every country in the world, taking the debate off the table. That is not to say that God is now obligated to send Christ back tomorrow. No, not even. He may, in His mercy, wait one more day, which, in His economy of time, is as a thousand years. On the other hand, it could be today. We are instructed to live as if it could be any moment. Luke 12:35 says, "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.” and 1 Peter 1:13 encourages us to, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” Amen?
have a great day and to God be the glory!
God bless you all …