Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28 - Proverbs 5:1-7:27

Good morning everyone,

Today we are going to have Sex Education 101 as taught by Solomon, although you will find it to be a whole lot different than the version of sex education you received when you were in middle school. I think we can all agree that sexuality is a gift from God and should be viewed as such, right? It makes you feel special in they eyes of your someone special. I think that we could also agree, God created sex so that a man and a woman could come together to procreate and also to form a bond in their husband and wife relationship. Territory where no one else should go. The Bible is very clear that any other use of sex is a sin. Sexual immorality grinds down a person’s ability to love, it turns human beings into objects, it can lead to disease,  it destroys family life and the wake of hurt it leaves in it’s path can go on for years and years. Is there any question why God is so against it?

Solomon, today, is warning us in particular against the prostitute, who, doesn’t necessarily have to be standing on a street corner in the red light district, it could be at your place of work, at the grocery store, even watching your kids play sports, anywhere. A common mistake married couples make is letting their marriage become, dull, or routine. They forget the charm, the sense of humor, the kindness that they first fell in love with that has long since been replaced with, well let’s face it, the reality of life. We can get so caught up in the weighted responsibility of bills, and children that often, way too often, all it takes is one brief accidental touch of a hand on ours, or brushing up against someone in an elevator or even just a compliment, to set the tingles of a new relationship in motion. The enemy vigilantly watches for such moments so as to start filling our ears with lies that would sound something like, “doesn’t that feel good, your husband doesn’t make you feel that way any more”, or “she really gets you, and doesn’t nag you like your wife”. She, or he, can be anyone with a flattering tongue who is prepared to tell you how wonderful you are, beware! 

We don’t have to become tedious or complacent in our marriages. Seriously! With just some awareness, some thoughtfulness sprinkled with loving kindness we can keep them as fresh and as exciting as the first day we met with the added bonus of a best friend who is there for you forever. Someone who has your back when any problem arises, who will pick up the groceries from all over the ground when the plastic bag breaks, who encourages you when you are sad, who randomly sends flowers, makes your favorite meal, who laughs with you, holds you when you cry, who sends you hand written letters just because sometimes you get lonely, who … well the list goes on and on. 

Marriage is continual acts of selfless behavior. A life time of putting the other person first, of not playing the blame game, of not being offended, being THE one to tell them how special they are; we all want to hear that, right? And always, always, always believing the best. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Amen?

Have a good day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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