September 30 - Luke 5:1-11, Mark 1:40-45, Matthew 8:1-4, Luke 5:12-16, Mark 2:1-12, Matthew 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26, Mark 2:13-17, Matthew 9:9-13, Luke 5:27-32, Mark 2:18-22, Matthew 9:14-17, Luke 5:33-39
Good morning everyone,
Have I mentioned that I love the Gospels? I really do! They are so full of life and visuals I find to be so very cool. Today we got to check out in our mind’s eye, Jesus rockin’ the boat, so to speak, Peter’s boat that is. After a night of no luck out on the lake, Jesus asked Peter to throw his net in the water just one more time. I Imagine Peter may have looked at Jesus with a “gee, I just got back and they’re not really biting right now” look on his face but boy was he ever surprised when his obedience got him the catch of a life time. He had so many fish swim into his net he had to call for assistance from another boat that was close by. Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. We also read of man who asked Jesus to heal him of his leprosy and with just two words from Jesus, “Be healed,” the man was instantly cured. Amazing.
The story I liked best today, though, was Jesus healing the paralyzed man. Right? You with me on that? I love the mind’s eye view, can you see it? Jesus is in a home in Capernaum and people are crowding in to see him teach, so much so that there was no more room, we’re told, even outside. SRO! There were some guys though, who wanted to get their friend, who is paralyzed, to Jesus in hopes that He would heal his body, but like I mentioned before, the room was totally packed out, no chance of walking him in. Accessing the situation these guys decide their best option would be to cut a hole in the roof above Jesus’ head and lower him down in.
I wonder if when Jesus was standing there, in the middle of the room teaching, if he ever heard the the palm fronds rustling above him, or did any of the dry cracked mud fall on his head. Certainly he had to have known something was going on, it was a hole big enough for a man on a bed to be lowered through. Right? Did Jesus smile when he saw this man being lowered thinking, “now that is determination, good for him.” I don’t know, it doesn’t say. What it does say though is that upon seeing their faith Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “My child, your sins are forgiven.” Probably not what the man expected, he came to Jesus because he wanted to walk but Jesus knew what the man needed most because he knew what was in his heart. Jesus knew that being paralyzed would be difficult but it was even worse not to be forgiven. A little bit later, after Jesus had to deal with some of the teachers of religious law, Jesus told the paralyzed man, “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”
Wow! What do you think this guy did? Imagine the look on his face when he actually realized what Jesus said to him. Picture the joy he felt finally being able to stand for the first time in maybe forever. We’re told the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers. I think perhaps he danced his way down the street shouting, “woo hoo, thank you Jesus!” I would have.
In a way we too can be like the man who was paralyzed. Sin can have a paralyzing effect on us, crippling our walk with the Lord. God warns us about the effects of sin and points out that we all have sinned. By understanding how serious God is about sin we will also see how serious he is about salvation. Jesus sees your heart the same as he saw the heart of the paralyzed man but, good news! The Bible tells us, “If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Then you too can stand up, pick up your mat, and head on down the straight and narrow road. Amen?
Have a great day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all …