Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18 - 1 Samuel 26:1-27:7 | 1 Chronicles 12:1-7 | 1 Samuel 27:8-29:11 | 1 Chronicles12:19 | Psalm 56

Good morning everyone,

Well, as we begin reading this morning David and his men are hiding out on the hill of Hakilah where the Ziphites of the land betray him to Saul who, one more time, gathers his three thousand men and heads on out to capture David. When David heard of this news, seriously … he had to have scratched his head and thought, “are you stinkin’ kidding me?” “Again?!” But  takes Abishai with him and under the cover of darkness, they successfully make their way undetected to the center of the three thousand men, to where Saul was sleeping. While standing over the sleeping king, Abishai wants to kill him but David says, “no, leave him alone, just get his spear and water jug”, so they did and left. When they get a safe distance away, David calls out to Abner, the king’s general, “Oh H-E-L-L-O! Wake up down there. Helloooo.” Finally, getting their attention David asks the king why he is again in pursuit of him, and lets Saul know he could have killed him yet again but did not. Saul once more hangs his head, apologizes and says, “Come back David my son.” But David not trusting the ole’ boy says, “yea …. no! Here’s your spear, send one of the young men to come get it.” Then they went their own ways, this being the last time Saul would set eyes on David

Chapter 27 finds David falling into a state of depression and for sixteen months he will back slide into the world, live as a Philistine. He and his entire company travel to Gath, you remember Gath, right? Where Goliath was from, where David was once before and acted like a crazy man to make an escape? Well, now he is there again and asks king Achish for a city in the suburbs where he, his men and all the families could settle. The king, no doubt aware of David’s troubles with Saul and fugitive status feels he’s no threat and gives him the city of Ziklag to live. During this time David and his men raided and destroyed three Canaanite tribes living near Shur toward the land of Egypt. However when king Achish would ask David where he had been, David lied and indicated he had been out destroying Israelites. This is not the first time nor the second we have read of David lying. It is worth noting that David knew this was a weak area for him and we read in Psalm 119:29 (kjv) where David prays, “Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously.” 

Now all the Philistines are gathering, they are going to go after the Israelites, who are quite vulnerable because instead of spending his time keeping them strong and safe from the enemy, Saul, for a decade, has been chasing one of his own, David. King Achish has appointed David his body guard and off they go. Saul sees the Philistine Armies gathering, gets a little nervous, and starts trying to talk to God. Isn’t that typical, we don’t have a whole lot to say to God until we are in trouble or danger and then we want the direct line to Him, expecting immediate attention from Him. Saul didn’t get it though, he was too far from God and so instead of the Holy Spirit, in the dark of the night, Saul seeks the company of evil spirits and goes to a witch, a fortune teller, for help. BIG Mistake!! Huge!! Leviticus 19:31 tells us, “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”  The fortune teller did not recognize Saul because of the disguise he wore when he asked her to bring up Samuel from the dead. When Samuel appeared she was quite shocked, to the point of shrieking. Samuel chastised Saul for calling on him then told him that basically his time was up. Those Amalekites he was suppose to do away with years ago and did not, are now going to be the death of him. 

Meanwhile back at the Philistine camp, all the commanders see David riding up with Achish and say, “No way are we letting him go into battle with us.” They tell Achish to send him back, saying, “Isn’t this the David they sang about in their dances: “‘Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands?”’ But David, so off his game, so into the world says “What? Why can’t I fight with you?” What was he thinking?!? These are David’s own people they are going to war against. However in the morning David and his men rode away, back to the land of the Philistines. 

Interesting, would you agree?, how the song the women were singing, “Saul has slain his thousands , and David his ten thousands,” the song that made Saul so very jealous of and angry at David, driving him out from his home, apart from all that he knew and loved and in fear of his life for many years, is the very same song that will ultimately save David from going into battle against his own country, the Israelites. Preserving the life he was destined to have as their king. God so subtly and amazingly works in all the details of our lives, weaving those threads of protection, wisdom and guidance in all that goes on in the lives of those who love him, directing our paths despite ourselves. God is so good. Our God is an awesome God! Amen?

I pray you have a great day, to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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