Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26 - 1 Chronicles 20:1 | 2 Samuel11:1-12:14 | Psalm 51 | 2 Samuel 12:15-25 | 2 Samuel 5:14-16 | 1 Chronicles 14:3-7 | 1 Chronicles 3:5-9

Good morning everyone,

As we begin this morning, I would like to share that there are some movies that I enjoy so much that I will continue to watch them over and over as years go by; Titanic being one, Steel Magnolias another, just to name a couple. Each time I watch these movies I desperately hope the people involved in the stories make different choices. I hope Jack doesn't win the poker game so he can not get on the ship, I hope that Shelby takes better care of her body, knowing all along, that before the movies end they both will have died. Well, such is chapters eleven and twelve in the telling of David’s life. Every time I read these chapters, knowing it to be impossible to change history, I fervently pray “Please David, don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t let the evil one win David, don’t.” Inevitably, the story remains the same. 

David, now fifty years old, the greatest King Israel has ever known. Israel, then, one of the most powerful and greatest nation in the world. It is the Spring time, which equates to “war season” in those days and David tells Joab, the commander of his army, that he is going to sit this one out. Big mistake … HUGE! Poor choice number 1.

One evening David is up on the roof of his palace, which was not unusual, and he sees a very, and when the Bible says very that is exceptional, beautiful woman a couple condos over, bathing. Now, at this point David had two choices. He could have turned away and called for one of his many other wives or concubines to be brought to him or allowed himself to be drawn in by the woman in the tub below. He chose to enquire about her; poor choice number 2. 

He learns she is the wife of his good friend Uriah, who was one his original best thirty warriors. David has known this guy for a long time, shared meals with him, but he sends for his wife anyway, and has his way with her. Poor choice number 3. There is so much wrong here, and yet the worst is still to come.

When David finds out Bathsheba is pregnant, he sends for his friend Uriah to come in from the battle field and after failed attempts to get him to sleep with his wife, sends a message with Uriah to Joab, back on the battle field, instructing Uriahs death. Ughhh!!! Another poor choice, the choice that will change the course of David’s life.

Several months go by, a time when David is not communing with God. No devotionals, Bible readings or praying, David is crazy far from the Lord at this point. It is also a time in his life when no Psalms are written, he is one miserable dude. Finally, God having had enough and has a chat with Nathan, the prophet, instructing him to go to David to confront him about his sin. Now, seriously, would you like to be the one selected to go before the king, a cranky king at that, and tell him he was out of line? Not me, but Nathan is obedient and approaches David in a way that touches his heart. David grew up a shepherd and could relate to the little loved lamb and was quick to jump to the defense of the poor man who lost his ewe, which I’m sure David thought was a real situation. As soon as David realized he was the one Nathan was talking about, David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” I love how David owned it!! He did not play the “blame game”.  No, no. He took full responsibilities of his actions. Very admirable. Now, Leviticus 20:10 says “If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.” but God because of a previous covenant will not take David’s life or his title but there will be a huge consequences of choice and it will be from here on out that David’s life goes down hill. 

What can we learn here? Well, sin begins in the mind. David saw Bathsheba taking a bath and let his mind run with it. It comes so easily and naturally to all of us that we don’t even realize that it is happening most of the time. We are inundated with, yes I’ll say it, “smut” on billboards, television and even talk on the radio that we are subtly worn down. We tend to let our minds wonder about, thinking on whatever it wishes. I would encourage you to capture every thought. You be in control of your mind because that is the first place the enemy will attack. Though not scriptural, you’ve all heard “An idol mind is the devil’s play ground.” It is so true, if only … if only we would all live our lives according to Philippians 4:8-9 “ Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Claim the peace! Amen?

Have a great day, to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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