Friday, May 22, 2009

The Circus

Last night was Makenna's graduation ceremony from pre-school. All week she has been making sure I would be coming to the service. Several times she asked me am I excited for the service, is Papa going to come to the service, reminding me when the service was. She even proudly informed she would be wearing her trick horse costume for the service. I thought "costume?" that's a bit odd but made a mental note to ask Karin about it later.

Like I said before this went on all week when finally I said to her "You mean your graduation ceremony, right?. Of course I will be there." She said "No! I mean my circus, I'm going to be a trick horse rider at my circus." Well, now I am really confused and attached this confusion to my previous mental note.

When I finally did ask Karin about it she confirmed that yes, the graduation ceremony would be a circus. Hmmm, I thought, what's that about. I have never heard of such a thing. I may have even said those very same thoughts to Karin all the time curious about what kind of "circus" I was in for.

Then came the special day. Makenna spent it here on the farm with me, excitement mounting with each hour that passed all day anxious to get dressed in her costume, get her hair combed, her cowgirl hat on and go to the circus. Finally it was 4 o'clock time to make ready and head on out the door with camera in hand to "The Circus."

Rarely am I as surprised with delight as I was last night. It was indeed a circus. Complete with trick horse riders daring very complex moves on top wonder horse, a hula hooping gorilla, strong men able to lift very heavy weights, tight rope walkers balancing on a single foot while twirling an umbrella, a girl on a flying trapeze where seats had to be cleared during performance for the safety of the audience, elephants, clowns, a juggler, animal tamers with their fiercely ferocious animals and what circus would be complete without a ring master complete with red coat and tall black hat.

It was a marvelous show. Mrs Lane and Ms. Karen did a wonderful job in getting the children into character and knowing their parts. A great time was had by all and in holding with circus tradition there was plenty of delicious foods to tempt us after.
It is moments like these that makes all the "same ole, same ole" of life worth it. I loved it a lot and will never think on the circus in the same way again.
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Wow! Graduation has sure changed since I was Makenna's age. :) Sounds like a wonderful day.

You're such a wonderful grandma, Pam--and friend. Love you much!