I have recently started feeling very guilty and sad for not letting all of you who I know so well and love so much know how often I think about you and how much I do love you. I am terrible at picking up the phone for may reasons, and I am even worse at picking up a pen to write to even one of you. When I think about all the hours of cauliflower ear, or writers cramp it would take to personally communicate with all of you I feel very overwhelmed and do nothing. For this I ask your forgiveness.
I have had this blog spot for some time now and rarely use it, I recently decided it would be a good place to sort of journal my life and thoughts of you as they come up. So please stop by often as I am going to visit here often myself.
Today I am going to start off with a blog I wrote some time ago, for those of you who have already read it I hope you enjoyed it enough the first time to read it again. For you first timers, I hope you will be kind with your critiquing.
The Wonder Of It All
When is the last time life excited you so much that your cup ran over? These times are so rare that when you do experience them you just have to drop to your knees and thank the Lord. You know what I mean. For my friend it was her first trip to Israel, it’s been over a year and still when she talks about it her eyes twinkle and beautiful memories spill out of her. For my husband it’s every time he gets to come home from the boat. With his job he can be gone sixty days or more, longing for the day he gets to hug his family and get back to being a cowboy, and when that day comes he is so full of joy he shines. For my Granddaughter Avery it has been her first trip to Disneyland. I have had the privilege of visiting this magical world where dreams do come true and abominable snowmen eat small boys (so I’m told), through the eyes of a 6 year old. Every day, several times a day, my sweet daughter has Avery phone me and she shares her adventure with so much enthusiasm and amazement bursting out of her it’s infectious. “Nana” she said ” they have tea cups that spin around…FAST, and pirates just like the movie.” “The haunted mansion was a little scary especially when the ghost rode with us.” “They have a submarine Nana, it’s so cool, and I got to ride on Dumbo, and guess what, I met the REAL Cinderella.”
I look forward to the telephone ringing, being able to hear her sweet little voice lay out her discoveries of the day. This is one of the best times of my life and all I need to do is pick up the phone.
I’ve thought a lot about Avery this week and all the new and wonderful sights she gets to experience so many in fact she just can’t find the words to tell me how awesome it is for her. I think that’s what it will be like when we get to heaven. We’ll look around with such wonder and say, “Look at all those awesome colors, what do you think they’re called?” “This is the most incredible music I’ve ever heard, are those angels singing?” We will get to meet the REAL Jesus! Imagine the wonder, and amazement. The loss of words to express the exhilaration and thrill of our new home.
Thank you Lord for the blessings you have showered out on me this week, allowing me to be so full of joy it poured over and out of my cup. Thank you for preparing a home for me in heaven which will surpass any pleasure or wonder I could ever experience here on earth.
John 14:2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you
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