Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26 - Isaiah 52:13-57:21

Good morning everyone,

Oh! My! Word! What an amazing day of reading, especially if you are like me and are able to transfer the scripture into a full length movie in your head. I’m telling you, my mind’s eye was working overtime today seeing every little thing God was talking about through Isaiah. Loved it!!

We started off today with the end of chapter 52, and I don’t want it to get past us that verse 14 says, “his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being and his form marred beyond human likeness” speaking of Jesus, of course. Yesterday, I briefly mentioned how the scourging had left Him unrecognizable as a man. I think when we get to heaven we are going to be a little surprised by the appearance of Jesus. We all, (and by “all” I mean society, Hollywood, artists) have Jesus portrayed quite glamorously, usually very handsome, his features flawless, perfect physique (even buff sometimes), his clean, shiny, beautiful sun bleached locks, flowing over his shoulders. You know what I am talking about, right? In other parts of the world, with different cultures, the appearance would change somewhat but the idea would be the same. We, as humans, need to see Him that way. We have in our heads that, that is what a “King of Kings” should look like, but Revelation 5:6 tells us “Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain.” To slay, by definition, is to be killed in a violent way. I believe Jesus will carry the scars of the wounds He bore for us, for many reasons not least of all that we, when we get to heaven, should remember that there was a sacrifice made on our behalf, a price was paid. Right on?

There is so much to glean from the scripture we read today! Okay, 53:10, is an absolute testament to how much God loves us, how deep his commitment is to us, check it out, 53:10, “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.” Are you kidding me? Do you think for one minute that God actually was happy to hurt (hurt? totally understated) His one and only Son? No way!! However, we’re told, it pleased the Father to slay the Son, just as it pleased the Son to submit to the Father and to what end ….. so that we could spend eternity in heaven if we choose. That would be like, Matt is always pleased to wash the car for me because He knows it makes me happy, but on steroids. Right? It was a huge display of selfless love. He loves us that much and more!! How is it possible that anyone could not appreciate that sacrifice or want to choose hell. I do not get that. Ahhh, Abba Father, open the eyes of the blind so that they may see the gift of your Son’s sacrifice and choose life.

Just one more thing, and here is a little insight to my life, please don’t judge. Chapter 55:12 says, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” If you were to travel to where I live you would have to drive through several miles of tree lined forest road. When you arrived at our property you would immediately notice it is totally surrounded by super tall trees, some alder wood, some old evergreen trees, and many, many others. I love, love, love these trees. To the music of my chimes they sing to me “the wind is coming” and then they will all wiggle and wave with delight as the breeze or sometimes gale swirls about, tickling them from the inside out while saying it’s hello’s and good-byes. For more than twelve years I have been telling my granddaughters (and husband) “wave back to the trees, they’re saying hello,” and the girls eagerly do and Matt will too. Now, knowing where my head is, in the book of Luke, the Pharisees (because they’re not fair, you see) told Jesus to make His disciples be quiet or the stones would cry out. Dude (yes, I did just say that) if I were there, I would so want Jesus, if just for a moment, have the disciples hush so I could hear the rocks shout out the gospel. Are you with me on that, or what? We are also told in Habakkuk 2:11, “The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.” I’m telling you, that would be so way beyond awesome! 

That is our God, “Way Beyond Awesome!” It pleased Him to provide His Son to pay the price for our sins and He is pleased to provide the dancing trees and so much more, to bring joy to all who will but look for it while we are waiting to move to our forever home in heaven. Amen??

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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