Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10 - Acts 8:1-9:43

Good morning everyone,

After the stoning of Stephen, we’re told a great persecution broke out against the church.  Saul seems to be on a one person mission to destroy all those “Jesus freaks” (paraphrased), going from house to house forcefully carting off anyone who believed the teachings of Jesus. Meanwhile, the rest of the disciples. who had been scattered, continue to  spread the Gospel wherever they went.

We were told about a man named Simon who lived in Samaria. There he performed so many magic tricks that some of the people in his region thought him to be the Messiah. Right from the very beginning, Satan had his counterfeit "messiah" operating in the Jesus’ backyard. Loser! (did I say that out loud?) Then Philip came to town proclaiming the good news and people were believing him, being baptized. Even Simon himself claimed to believe and was baptized but he didn’t really get it. Outwardly he was a Christian but his belief was only superficial and he was still a pagan at heart. He saw the opportunity of using Christianity to make money and sought to buy the Holy Spirit. Eso es sólo no es bueno. That’s just no good!

Then the angel of the Lord told Philip to head on down the road, and so he did and saw a chariot ahead with a eunuch in it reading Scripture. The Spirit told Philip to go to it so, and I love this, Peter runs to the chariot. He didn’t dawdle, sashay or even walk, he ran to where the Spirit told him to go. When he saw the eunuch was having trouble understanding what he was reading, Philip explained the Word to him. The eunuch was apparently blessed by this for when they saw some water on the side of the road he asked to be baptized. Philip was happy to oblige and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing. But get this, when they came up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord, we’re told, suddenly took Philip away and dropped him about four miles down the road. That would be so crazy. Right. I love how God never lets it get dull for us.

The best story of the day, for me anyway, was Paul’s conversion. Paul as Saul, is still traveling the land threatening and killing Christian’s. In Paul’s defense, he honestly believed he was doing the right thing. He’d grown up in the church. He was student of the Torah, his teacher had been the renown Gamaliel. His intentions, though misguided, were true. Then one day, we’re told, while on the road to Damascus a light from heaven flashed around him and he heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul went blind with the experience, was led into town where three days later, and I am sure some long talks with Ananias, his sight was restored. From that moment on he would arguably become the greatest evangelist ever. His mission to bring the Gospel primarily to the gentiles but to all he met.

Gosh, there is so much that be learned from Paul’s experience. Though, I guess first and foremost is that anyone, no matter how criminal, violent, satanic or anything a life is, that person can at any time say “yes” to Jesus and become a new creation. God can and will remove the scales from a non-believer’s eyes allowing them to see the truth, but the heart has to be willing. Then they must repent, and ask Jesus into their heart. Easy as that, but don’t loose sight of the “willing and true heart” as Simon did.

We all know people who still have blinders on, people who though they may be “good people” just refuse to walk the path of Jesus. I would encourage you to not give up on these also sincere but misguided souls. Pray for these people and continue to pray for these people. Jesus longs for all to be saved, for everyone to be a member in the body of Christ because as Philippians 3:20 tells us, “Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus tells us in John 16:23, “Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name”. Don’t miss the “in my name” part of that verse. Right? A new car or winning lotto ticket may not qualify, but I am certain someone’s salvation does. So do not hesitate to go to God with your problems and concerns. He loves, loves, loves you more than you understand and wants you to ask Him for help. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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