February 10 - Exodus 29:1-31:18
Good morning everyone,
Todays Scripture speaks to the consecration of the priests. It is because the people’s sin prevented each individual from dealing directly with God that He appointed priests from the tribe of Levi and set up a system of sacrifices to help the people approach Him. God promised to forgive the people for their sins if they would offer these certain sacrifices, the priests being the go between, on behalf of the people.
In the Old Testament, to say there was a lot of blood shed in an effort to give thanks and be forgiven, would be a gross understatement. Until Christ came, the priests were the people’s only representative before God, the only way they could have their sins forgiven would be the shedding of blood. Each and every person would would have to have an offering for slaughter. Can you imagine what that would look like today if God had not sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for all?
Forgiveness is something no one finds easy and yet it is something none of us can live without. The Old Testament reveals to us a God who, because sin is so detestable He cannot look on it, made a way, albeit gross (in my humble opinion), to be with the people He absolutely adored. A people he cherished and would do anything for.
And then there is “us”, flash forward to New Testament and we find the same God who is Love, and Mercy and Grace. A God who longs to forgive even our greatest of sins and wickedness. A God who just as desperately longs to have a relationship with us. The same God who still, because sin is just as detestable as forever could not look on it, sent Jesus to be the sacrifice, the blood shed all sins for all of mankind forever and ever.
This gift, and it is a gift, Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” is there for anyone who chooses to accept it. This gift cannot be earned. It is received by faith offering you, offering us all eternal life, as promised in Romans 6:23, "the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” What could be better than that?
It begs the question, have you accepted the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus Christ? If you are uncertain, you can accept it right now. There is no special sacrifice of blood you need to bring, Jesus paid it all. There is also no special prayer you must pray, Romans 10:9 tells us all you have to do is "confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved.”
If this is you, you can right now pray: "Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and could never reach heaven by my own good deeds. Salvation is a gift that only you can give. So right now I place my faith in you, Jesus Christ as God's Son who died for my sins and rose from the dead to give me eternal life. Please forgive me of my sins and help me to live for you. Thank you for accepting me and giving me eternal life.”
If you did more than read this, if you actually prayed this prayer and meant it in your heart then congratulations. Oh my word, your world will begin to change in amazing ways. It will be scary at times, and not always easy but the joy and the peace that comes with being a believer in God’s perfect plan will be much greater. I would encourage you to read your Bible, start in the Book of John. Get to know Jesus and how much He loves you. Also get hooked up with a body of believers, like minded people who absolutely know that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. How exciting!
I am reminded this morning of a song I love. The chorus goes: “Oh victory in Jesus. My Savior, forever. He sought me and bought me, with His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood.” And all God’s people said ….. Amen!
have a great day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all …..
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