February 3 - Exodus 7:14-9:35
Good morning everyone,
Today’s Scripture covered seven of the ten plagues the Lord unleashed upon the land of Egypt. Exodus 5 told us that Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness.’ Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.”
I can see Pharaoh sitting there on his throne as he hears the words “God of Israel.” He immediately starts searching the recesses of his mind for who they are talking about. There were an incredible number of gods and goddesses in Ancient Egypt, hundreds upon hundreds of them, some say thousands, certainly one for almost every situation and pharaoh, well, he is very familiar with most of them but he literally did not know who Moses and Aaron are talking about. He knew gods, but not The God. So he says, “yeah …. no deal guys.” Big mistake . . . HUGE!
The first plague was blood. Moses and Aaron again in 7:16 go before Pharaoh to give him a chance to change his mind and say to him “The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to tell you “Let my people go, so they can worship me in the wilderness.” Pharaoh, I am sure gives a bit of a chuckle when he does not comply; Aaron will then lift the staff turning all the waters of Egypt, rivers, canals, ponds all reservoirs to blood. Pharaoh’s magicians, however could match that, and would likewise turn what ever remaining water they can find into blood as well.
In 7:23 it says that “Pharaoh returned to the palace and put the whole thing out of his mind.” Oh my! How many times have you tried to, have I tried to, tell someone about the Gospel, about Jesus, and they will be courteous to listen but will just walk away, putting the whole thing out of their mind. Heartbreaking! Can you just see Pharaoh doing that?
The next plague is the frogs. This one grosses me out, not that any of the plagues would be pleasant, mind you, but seriously they were everywhere. We’re told that when Aaron raised the staff that frogs would be all over the land; again, everywhere! In the beds, on the kneading tables, in the ovens, hopping, croaking, they would be wading through them, being squished under foot … how else do you say everywhere? But what did the magicians do? They duplicated the miracle with sorcery. Why!? If you are that great of a magician, wouldn’t your first choice be to get rid of the frogs? I know mine would. Just sayn’. This time, though, Pharaoh summoned Aaron and Moses to pray to “their” God to get rid of them.
As we move on to the next plague, the gnats, we’ll read that the magicians will no longer be able to duplicate the miracle and still Pharaoh’s heart remains hard.
Next is the plague of the flies and now it is only the Egyptians who are going to suffer, God sparing the land of Goshen where His people lived. With this Pharaoh tells Moses they can offer sacrifices to God but they must stay in the land of Egypt. Moses say “No, that wouldn’t be right, the Egyptian’s detest the sacrifices they offer.” Pharaoh, and please try to get a visual on this, easily has thousands of flies swarming his body and those of everyone around him. He has got to be very bothered by this, I would be! How about you? He’s swatting away at them and in his frustration, probably raising his voice, he finally says “I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the Lord your God in the wilderness, but you must not go very far. Now pray for me”, and of course Moses does and of course pharaoh hardens his heart yet again.
As we read over the coming plagues we’ll see that Pharaoh will try to make a compromise, he’ll tell Moses that they can do their sacrifice but only on Pharaoh’s terms which wouldn’t be a true sacrifice at all. Psalm 119:1-4 says, “Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—they do no wrong but follow his ways.You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.”
Friends, God has laid down precepts, rules for our behavior that are to be fully, obeyed. Did you get that? Fully obeyed. There is no compromise with God. There is no bending His Word to make it suit your lifestyle, there is no picking and choosing what you want to obey. God’s Word is God’s Word! You are either for Him or against Him. As Christians, as true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, we must accept God’s Word as absolute and proceed in faith accordingly. Blessed are those who do! Amen?
Have a great day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all …
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