February 13 - Exodus 37:1-39:31
Good morning everyone,
In today’s scripture we read about the exact design and detail that went into the planning and building of the ark, the table, the lamp stand, the alter of incense, the alter of burnt offering, the basin for washing, and hooks, bands on posts and curtains used for the courtyard. According to Exodus 38, the amount of gold used was 29 talents and 730 shekels, or if you prefer, 2,800 lbs. Pure gold throughout the scriptures speaks to holiness on such a high level it cannot be reproduced by man. Gold is made by God and represents the divine glory of the Lord Jesus as "the Son of God" and "God the Son".
The amount of silver used was 100 talents and 1,775 shekels or 9,600 lbs. All throughout Scripture, silver figuratively speaks of redemption. Right? Silver is symbolic of the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ and Him alone. It foreshadows the great value of Christ as the ransom for sinners. There is no silver mentioned in heaven. Why? The people will already have been redeemed. Thank you Jesus.
The total amount of bronze used was 70 talents and 2,400 shekels, 6,700 lbs. Bronze was used in the places where exceptions strength and heat resistance was necessary. Bronze represents judgement. Bronze typifies the divine character of Christ who took upon Himself the fire of God's wrath, holiness and justice by becoming a sin offering.
The colors in the priestly garments were blue, which is always mentioned first; It represents the blue of heaven, reminding man that that is his final destination. Then purple, the color of royalty, Jesus himself as King of king's and Lord of lord’s. Next was scarlet which speaks of sacrifice, Christ in His sufferings.
I could go on and on about the fine linen, the goats hair, badger skins, acacia wood, and then the spices for the incense and oils which were restricted for tabernacle use only, anyone violating the command was put to death. It is all so amazing and all so on purpose. The total value of the project in our economy would exceed three million dollars. Amazing!
However, the tabernacle, as big and as grand as it was, was so much more than a place for the Hebrews to establish true worship with God. The ultimate purpose of the Tabernacle, was to point to Christ Jesus, the true treasure and Matthew and Luke both tell us, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” It begs the question, “Where do you store the True Treasure? In your heart or shelved some place until you have time? Who are you serving? I pray that you are serving the Father and Him alone, for He alone is worthy. He alone, can fill the void in your life. He alone can allow you access to heaven. He alone is God. Amen?
Have a great day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all …..
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