Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16 - Numbers 8:1-9:14 ~ Leviticus 1:1-3:17

Good morning everyone,

Well, as we begin reading you’ll remember from yesterday that the Tabernacle has been completed and blessed, right? With that done the Lord will now have to go to work on teaching the Israelites a new way of life with clear instructions on how sinful people can relate to a holy God. They will remain camped out at the foot of Mount Sinai for quite awhile while the Lord works with them on just that.

Today we will be introduced to the book of Leviticus, the third of five books of the Torah written by Moses, the main theme of the book being holiness. While reading this book it would be real easy to file it away in the recesses of your mind as a record of crazy rituals of a different time, believing it has no relevance to our life today. To that I would say, “Don’t let the enemy fool you with that lie!” The rituals in Leviticus made sense to them. God used the form of sacrifice to teach His people about faith. When the people saw the animals being sacrificed, put to death, and there were quite a lot of animals put to death, it helped them to understand the importance of quilt and sin. They also served to reveal a high and holy God who should be obeyed and worshiped and to bring true devotion of the heart. The rituals helped them to keep their lives focused on God. Make sense? 

It is by the grace of God and His Son Jesus that we do not have to practice those blood bath rituals however we too should have rituals in place to help us keep the main thing the main thing. We should be going to church, fellowshipping, having quiet time with God, praying, reading our Bible, etc., however I prefer not to think of them as rituals, because that sounds like something I “have” to do. Rather, I think of them as things I get to do. To me they are times I look forward to. Times to draw closer to God, to be with like minded people, times to have conversation to my Abba who loves me, who loves you. 

I pray you have a super good day. To God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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