Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8 - Exodus 22:16 - 24:18

Good morning everyone,

Today in our reading we will pick up where we left off with God explaining to Moses how the Israelites were to handle everyday situations that would come up; God’s objective was to protect the them, get them organized and to keep their attention on God. With in 23:13 God saying “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.” 

In 23:14 the Israelites are told each year they must celebrate three festivals in God’s honor. These religious festivals were connected with the nation’s agricultural cycle. The Feast of Unleavened Bread occurred in March or April in celebration of the early barley harvest. Seven weeks later came the Feast of Weeks, celebrating the harvest of other cereal crops such as wheat. Finally, the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated the final harvest and end of the agricultural season in the autumn. When they gathered together, they were to eat together, catch up on what and how everyone has been doing, laugh together, have a joyful time while honoring God. 

One of my favorite things to do is to go to a Women’s retreat. You know, as we go about our everyday lives we are so busy we sometimes get disconnected with people we know and love. Oh sure, we go to church on Sundays where we may get in a quick “hello” followed by a brief outline of how their life is going. We may also go a Life group where there is a little more time to learn of how our friends are doing but still it an all seem so surface, not having time to really be a good listener, if you know what I mean. In both cases we are in God’s Word, learning about His will for us, plus we do our daily devotions but all of that is mixed with a lot of “world”. It is so wonderfully refreshing to get away, even if only for a few days, with a group of like minded people where you get a super duper booster shot of God while mingling so closely with the Holy Spirit. It is, well, heavenly! In addition to being so relaxing and spiritually up lifting, it is very encouraging to know there are others out there who are either now going through or have already gone through what you may be experiencing in your life with a spouse, finances, health children, spiritual desert or any number of areas the enemy can and will attack you. It is so very beneficial, and healing to pray not only with others but even more so to pray for others. Retreat is a great way to feed and refuel your soul. You don’t even realize how weary you’ve become, how in desperate need you are until you do take the time to get away and dedicate some time to God. I would encourage you to pray and ask God if He would show you a retreat He feels is a good fit for you. God so wants to hang out with you, he wants to bless you, He loves you.

I hope you have a great day. To God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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