Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11 - Jeremiah 49:1-33 | 2 Kings 24:5-7 | 2 Chronicles 36:6-8 | 2 Kings 24:8-9 | 2 Chronicles 36:9 | Jeremiah 22:24-23:32

Good morning everyone,

Today we begin with a message from God to the Ammonites. Who were the Ammonites? They were the lineage of Lot. You’ll remember after the incident in Sodom, Lot was afraid to stay in the area so he took his two daughters and fled. One night when Lot had tipped the bottle a few too many times, Lot’s daughters took it upon themselves to have their way with their dad, if you know what I mean. Out of that incestuous behavior the older daughter had a son named Moab while the younger daughter gave birth to Ben-Ammi, the Ammonites were his descendants.

Next is a message from God concerning Edom. Who were the Edomites? Well, they were the lineage of Esau first born son of Isaac and I kind of want to just look at these people for a moment because I am intrigued by where they lived, a place called Bozrah which is the rock city of modern day Petra. We read God said Bozrah will become a ruin and a curse, an object of horror and reproach; and all its towns will be in ruins forever. Yikes! Right? And yet, this city which was thought to be as secure a place as could be found was indeed wiped out.

Petra is in Jordan between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. It in the slope of Mount Horeb where you’ll remember God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, and literally carved directly into vibrant red and sandstone cliff faces are huge buildings, mass libraries with towering columns, sanctuaries and dozens of tombs. Petra has the ability to hold tens of thousands of people with about eighty-five percent of it still underground and untouched. Crazy! Right. I would love to see this place.To enter the city you must trek through a mile long corridor, twelve to twenty feet wide, lined with three hundred foot towering cliffs rising up both sides. 

What makes Petra so unique is that it remains for the most part hidden. It is believed by many that when the Antichrist reveals his true character in the tribulation period, when the Jews “flee to the mountains” spoken of by Jesus, Jeremiah and Daniel, that it is Petra where they will be going and where they will stay until the battle of Armageddon is fought. 

Well, while Petra may or may not be the hiding place referred to by Isaiah, one thing is for certain; time is short friends. We as a nation, as a people all over the world, are experiencing the labor pains of deliverance from the evil that is running rapid. Oh there is good too, I would most certainly agree, but look around at the underlying current, it is everywhere. It is creeping along like smoke seeping under a door. I know I am sounding like one of those sandwich board guys on the street corner predicting “doom and gloom”, and it is totally not my job to get you to believe what I am trying to tell you, it is just my  responsibility to be obedient to God and present it, put it out there. So what I am saying is that if when the church is raptured, that is to say taken off the face of the earth to meet with Jesus in heaven, if at that time you do not know Jesus to be your personal Savior, the ONLY way you will get into heaven is to be martyred, aside from that you will live in hell for all of eternity. It begs the question, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus because if you don’t, today you can still be saved. But you must act now because tomorrow may be too late. Do no be naive and think you have lots of time. Are you kidding me? that is the enemy’s favorite tool.  Nothing in prophecy needs to be fulfilled before the rapture of the church. I would encourage you to not just take my word for it but study the scriptures, Google the Bible Scholars, see what they say, but be an informed person. Get off the fence and commit to the one true God so that you too will hear Him say, “'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!” Amen??

Have a very good day and to God be the glory!

God bless you all …

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