Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13 - Jeremiah 31:15-40 | Jeremiah 49:34-51:14

Good morning everyone,

Pretty exciting reading today, for in chapter 31, we are introduced to the New Covenant. The Old Covenant, the Law, was given by God to the Nation of Israel for the purpose of setting them apart. It served to instruct them, and us, that there is God’s way and then there is the wrong way and that life apart from God is quite a miserable existence leading to sure suffering and death; consequence of choice. It also served to show them and us our imperfections and how unscrupulous and wicked a people we can become outside the guidance of God.

Now in the New Covenant, God told them in verses 33-34, that His law would now be in their minds and on their hearts. Out with the old stone tablets and in with the new conscience. God said, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” The thing is, you need to, we all need to, ask for forgiveness with a sincere heart. Make sense?

In chapter 49 the Lord spoke to Elam which is present day Iran. They were apparently very good with the bow and arrow and the Lord was going to break the bow and allow disaster to fall upon them as a consequence of their actions. Chapter 50 is a prophecy concerning Babylon which is present day Iraq and in the Bible, Babylon is used to reference all evil. Hmmm. Through Jeremiah, God tells of their destruction and their judgement, however king Nebuchadnezzar would not believe it and really, would you? He was the greatest ruler of the time over a kingdom that was second to none but just as Assyria was delivered into his hands, so would his kingdom be delivered into the hands of Cyrus king of Persia.

Friends, you just do not know what tomorrow will bring you. One day life is good, you are “high on the hog” as the saying goes and then, well then you’re not. In the late 20’s some very rich people found themselves flat broke, loosing their every earthly possession when the stock market suddenly crashed, some taking their own lives at the as a result. In 2004, 155,ooo people lost their lives in a single day when the Indian Ocean tsunami struck the shores of Japan, leaving many more heartbroken, confused and homeless. Today in any given city someone will hear of a loved one dying, or receive a call from the doctor with negative test results, or a spouse will leave saying “I no longer love you.” Friends, life is short and very unpredictable. I would encourage you to not get complacent in your walk with the Lord. Let us have a genuine hunger for God. Psalm 63:1 says, “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.” Our world can often feel like a dry and weary land where there is no water but Jesus says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” You may drink freely of the waters of life found in Jesus. Earnestly seek Him. Amen?

Have a good day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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