Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1 - Numbers 6:1-27 also Numbers 10:1-36

Good morning everyone,

Oh buddy! Here we are, two complete months of reading through the Bible under our belts. How amazing is that!? I absolutely love how the Lord is revealing so much more to me, and I am sure you too, this time through His Word. God is so good!

This morning we read about the Nazarite vow. While only a Levite could become a priest anyone could take the Nazarite vow and dedicate as little as 30 day to as long as a life time in exclusive service to the Lord. There were, however, three demands the Lord made of anyone choosing to do so:
1) No alcohol. Their minds were to be clear and unobstructed, and because human nature will always look for a loop hole, grapes and raisins were included as well.
2) Hair could not be cut, head or beard. In the Old Testament days long hair on a man was not common, so by having long hair you were easily identified as one taking the vow, creating accountability.
 3) They were to separate themselves from death. The thought behind this being you have dedicated this time to the Lord, taken a personal vow which was considered as binding as a written contract, there is no “time out” to go mourn the death of family or friend. Like in Luke 14:26, you should love God so much more that all other love seems like hatred in comparison  and your commitment, your word to Him, should more important than anything else. Make sense? 
The purpose of the vow was to raise up a group of leaders devoted completely to God. What would this look like in today’s world? Well, when I read it I immediately thought specifically of two pastors that I know who on separate occasions have spoke of how they will take their Bible along with their tent and get away from all else for a period of time to pursue intimacy with the Lord. While that’s not suited for everyone, sometimes we all need to take a Nazarite vow, a period of time totally dedicated to the Lord. That could look like a solo camping trip, or a retreat, fasting, a regular time of prayer, but whatever it is for you, when you do commit the time you will walk away totally refreshed. You can never out give God

Chapter six concludes with some of my favorite verses in all of the Bible. It was a special blessing from the Lord and I never get tired of reading it because each time I do, it’s true, each and every time I read it, it is like a warm blanket of peace covers me and I know that no matter where I go God’s got my back. Totally awesome! 

Now we  skip from chapter six to chapter ten and since I am almost out of space I am just going to say I love trumpets! Their sound is so distinctive and commanding.The trumpets would blow to assemble the people, when it was time to travel, time to do battle against their enemies and when it was time to celebrate. The greatest celebration for us will be when that final trumpet blows and we’ll all be ushered into heaven to spend all of eternity worshiping at the feet of our Lord and Savior. Come Lord Jesus! Come! Amen?!

I really just have to close with this Numbers 6:24-26 - “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”

I pray you have a great day. To God be all the glory.

God bless you …

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