Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 28 - Joshua18:1-19:48

Good morning everyone,

As we begin reading today, most of the fighting is behind Joshua and the troops of Israel and it seemed like a good time to move the tabernacle from Gilgal to a more central location at Shiloh, a walled city in the Ephraimite hill country, where it would remain until King David moved it to Jerusalem several hundred years later. 

In 18:2 we read that there were seven tribes that had not yet taken possession of their land and Joshua asks them, what’s up with that? Then gave them instructions for getting out there to, survey the land, map it out and bring back a written report so the property cold be divided.
Personally, I am not quite sure what they were thinking. After forty some years of wandering I would be more than ready to find the land God picked out just for me and set up house. Right?
Get the garden going, the kitchen in order, lay a few rugs down, put up a few preserves, find a church family, settle in. I would not have to wait around for an invitation or be asked twice.

There are so many Christians in the world today that are like those seven tribes; they float around, they don’t want to commit to one church, if any church at all, believing there is always time to jump in, later in life, when there is nothing else better going on. When “they’re older”. Worse yet, some do attend a church regularly but churches that are flimsy in their doctrine and their beliefs. These churches allow their congregations to sail through life much like a balloon floats through sky, they have no Rock and are prepared to accept what feels good, or is popular or is “easy” as their religion. They have lost sight of theTruth and probably wouldn’t recognize it even if they did see it. They pick and choose from the Bible what they want to live by and toss the rest aside. My heart hurts for these people who are embracing the lies the devil is handing them. I sometimes feel at a loss in a world full of people who do not want to be saved. I absolutely cringe when I read someone posting words such as “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say, sorry. I mean I would rather go to the other place”. They have not the slightest clue of how real, how repulsive and pungent, how forever, hell is. It makes me shiver! 

James 4:2 says “You do not have because you do not ask God.” Our God is a God of miracles. Our God is bigger than we could ever begin to wrap our heads around. Our God can reach those we love who are still not saved and change their hearts so we need to have hope and continue to pray for them. C.H. Spurgeon is quoted as saying, “Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the Kingdom. If you may have everything by asking in His Name, and nothing without asking, I beg you to see how absolutely vital prayer is.”

So today I ask that you join me in this prayer: Oh Father God, I pray that you would bring a revival to our great nation. That you would send the Holy Spirit to burst down on us with the same mighty wind and unrestrained power Luke wrote about in Acts. I pray God that you’d create a spiritual hunger in your people and draw them to be zealous for you. I pray for eyes to be opened, knees to be bent and hearts humbly given over to you, but above all else, God in heaven, my Abba, I pray Your that will be done and we will give You all glory, honor and praise. Amen.

I pray you have a really good day, to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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