Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3 - Numbers 14:1-15:41

Good morning everyone,

Oh my word, as we begin reading this morning we see a very unhappy and unruly crowd. Imagine, if you will, all the members of the community, more than two million people, with raised voices and weeping aloud, complaining of things to the effect of, “why did we leave Egypt, we’re going to die here, we need a new leader to go back”. After hearing all of this frustration, Moses and Aaron fell face down and began to pray, such wise men, while Joshua and Caleb, bless their young hearts, stood up before the crowd and told them “Hey, don’t rebel against the Lord, it does look bad but God said we could do it so let’s go do it!” However, the crowd was not as enthusiastic as the boys, retorting with “face the facts fellas, we are out numbered and out gunned, we’re gonna die”, and they were talking about stoning the boys.

It was then that the glory of the Lord appeared at the tent of meeting. God was so over it and said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt?” he wanted to do away with them but Moses spoke up for them, reasoning with God for their lives. Our God is a God of mercy and that is what He showed them. These mumblers and grumblers would get exactly what they predicted they would get. They would live for now but they would not see the promised land, they would die in the desert as they complained they would. Their children would see it, but no one over 20, except Caleb and Joshua would ever set foot in the promised land. The older generation would wander the desert until the final one died and then the kiddos, who would then be grown, would get to go and enjoy the huge grapes, and juicy pomegranates.

Moses reported all of this to the Israelites. They hung their heads, mourned bitterly and said, “ now we are ready to go to the land the Lord promised” Are you kidding me?? Were they not listening? That was off the table. However, again they disobeyed the Lord’s command, they left Moses and the ark of the Lord’s covenant and moved from the camp only to have the Amalekites and the Canaanites come out of the hills and beat them down. It made me chuckle a bit, I could hear in my head from Willy Wonka saying in a deadpan voice "No. Stop. Don't." when the Little Darlings got out of control. Picture Moses just looking at them in disbelief saying “No. Stop. Don’t” … made me giggle :-)

Ahhh … I would like to think that we are a much different people, but how often do we go against God’s will. How often are we grumblers and complainers crying out “this will never work?” How often do we think “I know God wants me to do “that”, and I will … later?” Your “that” can be any number of things; Go to church, read your Bible, quit lying, be more disciplined, be nicer to your spouse, pay your tithe, the list is literally endless. This chapter, as sad as it is, serves to warn us that we must believe that God will do what He promises to do. Even after a whole generation basically dissed Him, God kept His promise and brought the kids who believed into the promised land. As contrary to the way things may appear, we must have faith in what God has promised us. Our God is huge and He wants huge things for us. Friends I encourage you to wait for it, if you are faithful it will happen.  We must be a people who believe our God is a God of His word. Amen?!

Have a really great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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