Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 17 - Psalm 50 | Psalm 73-74

Good morning everyone,

We start off today with Psalm 50 which first speaks to our future, Asaph describing the day Jesus comes back and then speaks of our present walk, cautioning us in verse 22-23 to take a look at out lives. Is there fruit in our walk with Jesus, or are you, are we simply going through the motions of having a relationship with Him? Hmmm…

Psalm 73, Oh boy! I’ll be honest with you, many, many years ago I was right there with Asaph on this one, for way too many years of my life. It just did not make sense to me how all of the “bad guys” the cheaters, the drug dealers, the swindlers or even so many of the “nice entrepreneur persons” who are loved by all, but totally slander and deny God, can be so successful; while those who give it all to and for the Lord struggle to even make ends meet. You know? It was a terrible stumbler for me, a huge boulder in the road, but this was a time in my life when I hadn’t fully committed to God. Oh for sure I was a Christian, but I was more like one of those who are sitting on the fence, with one foot in the world and one foot in the Bible. You know the type I am talking about, they want to claim the grace of God along with the peace, joy and love the Bible has to offer on Sunday morning while the rest of the week Jesus rarely crosses their minds as they carry on with whatever sinful or even not so sinful behavior they enjoy. I am embarrassed to say I was guilty of that. It was when I totally committed to living a life pleasing to God, got off the fence, that God blessed me in a way that is far beyond anything any amount of money can buy here on earth. I am so stinkin’ serious about this, you can not out give God. The more time, the more energy, the more tithe, the more you read your Bible, the more effort in anything you do to give to God, is the more you will be blessed and yes, it can be monetarily, but that will not even matter to you when you are there at that “give it all for God’s kingdom” state of mind. Yep, what’s infinitely better than the big bank account is being so close to God and the riches He allows your heart. You can not in your wildest imagination conjure up how cRaZy awesome it is to be dusted with the presence of the Holy Spirit, I can not describe it, but I am in constant quest of it. 

Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying all successful, wealthy people are not close to God. Nor am I saying that all who struggle financially are close to God. I am just sayin’ that the riches God has to offer, wants to shower us with are a whole lot better than anything, than everything that is available to buy in this world and the only way to get them is to get close to God.

Asaph got there. After his “grrrrrr” moment he rested in the knowledge that ultimately none of it mattered and he understood four things; the guarantee of God’s presence with him, that He held his right hand, (awesome!!), that God would guide him with council and that the glory of heaven awaited him. Do you have that peace in your heart? It is so there for the asking. I love ten thousand to the ten thousandth power, how God loves me and how He is making himself known to me more and more every day. God loves you too and totally longs to be as close to you as you’ll let him. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, the house, the car, the screens, the boat, the plane and everything else will burn, but God’s love will live on. Amen?

Have a super good day you guys, and to God be the glory!

God bless you all …

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