Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17 - Isaiah 24:1-27:13 | Isaiah 29:1-24

Good morning everyone,

Fun stuff today! Isaiah, prophesied for 58 years. In that time he spoke to events that would take place in the relatively near future, such as wars and the not as near future such as the virgin birth and the coming of Christ. In today’s scripture, though, he’s got his Hubble going on as he is seeing way into the future with a prophecy that is still to take place.

Isaiah chapters 24-27 are known as “Isaiah’s little Apocalypse” as the prophet records not only what will happen to God’s people but the whole world, as he looks at the final consequence of choice of human sin. Isaiah 24:21 says, “On that day the Lord will punish the host of heaven, in heaven, and the kings of the earth, on the earth.” To get a better understanding of what’s going on let’s take an overall view of what the lies ahead for this planet earth, what life according to the Bible, will look like, in days to come. 

First there is the “Church Age,” we’re living that now. It is the time between the first time Jesus was here, walking the face of the earth until He returns again. It is a time of grace, a time where He is desperately trying to reach everyone in hopes of all mankind being able to see. To make known the bright future in eternity He has to offer all who will proclaim Him as Lord of their life. It is believed, by many, time is short, that we are in the very last days of this period. All prophecies have been fulfilled in order for times to move forward, if you listen closely and look attentively you can hear and see the changes taking place. It is exciting … at least for me. 

The next period we enter into is the “Rapture of the Church.” In 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 we’re told that the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Oh my word! That sounds so delicious to me, but having said that let me further say that, be warned. This place, earth I mean, is not somewhere you want to be at that time. In 2 Thessalonians 2 we’re told that the evil is being held back right now, which has to be frightening to anyone, even the toughest of hombres, because with all the Christians gone so goes the Holy Spirit and there will be nothing left to restrain the evil from running rapid. It will be violent, murderous and wicked on a level even the most vile movies haven't created. It scares me just thinking about it.

It is believed that simultaneously with all the havoc that is being raised on earth, we who have been raptured will be facing the “Judgement Seat” or the “Bema Seat” where you will get, where I will get the rewards we have coming to us according to how faithfully we served God, how we were obedient to do all that He asked us to do. This has absolutely nothing to do with your salvation. If you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior then you were saved by grace, no works can buy that. I repeat, only by the grace of God can you be saved. You absolutely can not buy or earn your way into heaven, and if you are saved you will for sure go to heaven, but here’s the thing, we will all have different positions in heaven so what you do on earth determines your position for eternity. I have never been a big fan of the “Cheap Seats” so it is my goal to be as obedient as I possibly can be to get as many rewards as I can. Front row center would be nice, right?

Okay, so we have the rapture of the church which sent born again Christians to the bema seat and it also plummeted earth into the “Tribulation.” This era is divided in two sections. The first three and a half years as I mentioned above will be lawless, thought it will be a whole lot better than the second half which will be a blood bath. The first three and a half years of the tribulation the anti-christ will make himself known and will promise peace to Israel. Together they will make a pact which will allow Israel to rebuild the temple and they will believe he is the messiah. However, after the first three and a half years the anti-christ will break the pact, revealing his true colors and cause everyone on the face of the earth to take a mark. If you take that mark you will never get into heaven, no one should take that lightly so I will repeat. If you take the mark of the anti-christ you will never, never, never get into heaven.  If you don’t take the mark you will die, you will be martyred for your faith, it will not be pleasant but the good news to that is, you will go to heaven. 

I realize this  has gotten really long but I just have to say, I know some people who are holding out for the tribulation. They do not want to live for Jesus now, they want to have their fun while they are young and then come to Jesus when the fun times are over. Well, what if the church is raptured today or tomorrow and they are left here with all the other non-believers? It begs the question: If they can not, if they do not have the discipline to live for Jesus now, how are they ever going to die for him then? 

God says every knee will bow, every knee will bend. Not some, not most, but EVERY! You have a choice you can bend your knee now or wait until later when it is too late, when your window of opportunity has closed and you are facing eternity in hell, which should not be underestimated. You don’t have to be all cleaned up to go to Jesus, He wants you the way you are. He’ll pick you up, He’ll dust you off and give you more love than you ever knew possible. Why not let Him love you? Why not just say “I choose Christ” today? 
Well, next the “Kingdom Age” and it is the final period. Eternity, where we are going to live in God's house with Him for all the rest of time. Where there is already a room waiting for each and every one who has asked Jesus into their heart. What a day that will be, right? Because we live in such minute by minute lifestyles, because we measure all time off with “events”such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirement, we can not grasp or wrap or heads around how forever, how huge, how infinite eternity is, but I would encourage you to pause just for a moment and consider even if eternity was two thousand years (and please understand it is so much more than that) but even if, where would you want yourself or your loved ones to be spending it? I say heaven. Amen?

Have a good day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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