Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7 - Psalm 92 | Psalm 93 | Psalm 94 | Psalm 95 | Psalm 96 | Psalm 97

Good morning everyone,

We begin this morning with a song of praise and thanksgiving, verse one saying, “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.” 

I love to begin my day with the Lord, there is nothing more peaceful and refreshing then starting your day with Yahweh. Seeking His guidance and protection, letting His love wash over you, it is an amazing gift. Now, I haven’t always been that way, in fact, it wasn’t that many years ago that I would sleep until I absolutely had roll my tired self out of my warm snuggly bed just in time to get going on my routine activities of feeding Matt’s critters, running errands, cleaning, volunteering or whatever else my day had in store for me. Oh, I had heard or read from many different pastors and even friends in my women’s groups that morning, the still quiet moments of the early hours of the day, before life got crazy, was THE best time to meet with God, however, I believed myself to not be a morning person and said on more than one occasion “If God wants me to meet with Him in the mornings then He will make it so I am not so sleepy.” I chuckle at that now because God is such a gentleman and He will not force himself off on us. Then, I started hearing more and more teachings about worshipping false gods and how sleep could be one of those if God has asked you, asked me, to get up to be with Him and we say, “No thank you, I’d rather sleep.” Coincidence? I think not! But still I thought if He wants me up He will make me less tired and THEN I will obey. What!? You say? I know, right? What was I thinking!?! Sadly, I am embarrassed to admit, I thought that way and now I can see how backwards that way of thinking is. (Thank you Jesus!!) It is like saying, “God, please get my laundry done,” while you are out surfing or something. God will help you and equip you, but you need to make the effort to get whatever the task is going. Make sense? Isaiah 41:13 says, “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” God was faithful, when I was obedient to get up and meet with Him like He asked me to, He made it so easy for me to be there. The first few mornings were kind of rough but each day was easier and easier and now I look back and wonder how it was I ever slept until seven or eight and why would I want to when there is so much waiting for me at four-thirty. I love being with my God.

I would encourage you to actively seek God’s face in the early morning hours. Psalm 57:8 says, “Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!” I love that, “Awake … Awake :-)” and then in Mark 1:35 we read of Jesus, “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” Great things await you in the early morning hours, blessings, guidance, strength, wisdom and lots and lots of love. Amen?

Have a super good day and to God be the glory,

God bless you all …

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