Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10 - 1 Kings 15:16-22 | 2 Chronicles 16:1-10 | 1 Kings 16:1-34 | 1 Kings 15:23-24 | 2 Chronicles 16:11-17:19 | 1 Kings 17:1-7

Good morning everyone,

This morning in our reading we first take a look at king Asa, you remember him from yesterday, right? He started off his rein doing what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord and the Lord blessed him. Now, sadly, he has taken to relying on his own strength, not God’s. King Baasha of Israel, had king Asa in check, that is to say,blocked in, no one could leave king Asa’s territory. So what does he do? Well, what he didn’t do was pray for God’s help. Nope, instead king Asa took the silver and gold from the treasuries of the Temple of the Lord and made a treaty with king Ben-hadad of Aram, who in turn sent his troops down to take out the towns of Israel, which sent Baasha running. When Hanani the seer called king Asa out on it, he got so angry he had Hanani put in prison and Asa became totally cruel.  Most unfortunate. He will later die of a foot disease and his son, Jehoshaphat will succeed him as king. 

Meanwhile the ten northern tribes, Israel, are messed up! They just keep getting one bad king after another, each one just a little bit worse then the one before him. Today we looked at Baasha who reined over Israel for twenty three years. Elah, his son succeeded him and reined for two years when he was murdered by Zimri, who will appoint himself as king and rein for seven days only. Now it gets crazier, friends, Israel splits again with half supporting Tibni as king and the other half supporting Omri. Omri was not going for that, no way! He wanted sole possession of the title and so proceeded to kill off all of the Tibni supporters thus paving the way for him to rein for twelve years all together. Next in line to the throne was his son Ahab. Oh, ho, ho! He is far and away THE most evil king Israel had seen yet, plus he was married to Jezebel who was every bit as wicked as Ahab. She brought with her the god she worshipped, Baal, the god of rain, whom they prayed to so the crops would be productive. Ahhh, dark times for Israel, for sure.

Now it is in Ahab’s rein that a man named Hiel of Bethel got it into his head to rebuild Jericho. Bad idea! You’ll remember back when we read Joshua, the Lord said that if anyone undertook the rebuilding of Jericho their first born son would die with the laying of its foundations, and their youngest with the hanging of the gates. Well, that is exactly what happened. For more than four-hundred years people respected the Lord’s warning and then … Hiel. 

Friends, Hiel’s story has got to be super important for us to “get”, because it is just a short paragraph that easily could have gone unmentioned; but it is mentioned. God wants us to know that He absolutely does not forget the things He says. We need to really know this and live our lives accordingly. God does not forget his warnings. He does not forget His promises. He does not forget His people. David writes in Psalm 27:10, “Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.” Isaiah 49:15 says, “"Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you!” He is aware of you! He is aware of me, of all of us. Has not forgotten! He knows who you are; where you are; how you are; and what you’re doing! He remembers you! He loves, loves, loves you! It is my prayer that you don’t, that we don’t forget him in a world that is quick to want easy peasy (I just heard my friend MM chuckle). Our God doesn’t do “easy”, He died on a cross for us, there’s no easy in that, but He does do forever. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Amen?

I hope you have a great day, to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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