Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27 - Hosea 9:1-14:9

Good morning everyone,

This morning the first thing we read is, “Do not rejoice, Israel.” Here is a people God set apart from everyone else in all of the world, He loves them, He calls them his own and in Deuteronomy 28 promises them an abundance of blessings if they would but fully obey the Lord and be careful to follow His commands and He is such a fair and just God that He also allowed them to know the consequence of choice, the curses they would suffer should they decide to be disobedient. Sadly, that was the path they chose. They totally forgot all about God, worshiping every other god instead and let me just mention here, in reading through what some of these “gods” were about, how and where they were worshipped and for what, it is nothing short of disgusting. Seriously friends, Israel’s rebellion and isolation had caused them to loose discernment. They were gone. It is no wonder that God, with a broken heart, finally had had enough and used Tiglath-Pileser called Pul king of Assyria to begin the deportation of the ten northern tribes. It was not pretty the way they took them, either. We’re told in Isaiah and Ezekiel that fish hooks and ropes were used to lead them out. Friends, please remember this is all because God loved them so much He could not just stand by any longer and watch them destroy themselves.

Chapter 14 speaks to future salvation God’s promise of restoration. The people could return from their backslidden state simply by asking God to forgive their sins and repenting. We are no different from those of the ten northern tribes two thousand years ago. We often turn our back on God to watch movies that put murder and violence on a pedestal, or we skip church to worship some sort of sport or outing we deem more important. We choose to tell God “not today, I’m too tired” when it is time to get up to do devotions. Or we just plain fail to see the importance of passing God’s Holy Word on to our children, not even giving them a chance. The gods you or I choose to worship may or may not be as disgusting as those so long ago, but the truth of the matter is they are everywhere in our lives and they are every bit as destructive. Right? Anything, anything at all that we push God aside for, forget about God for is a false god and sooner or later we too will become desensitized and God will turn His back on us in our backslidden state.

The good news, repent, turn from your sins, ask God for forgiveness and He is right there waiting to welcome you back. If you have never asked God into your heart he is right there waiting for you too. Contrary to what the world have you believe, you must be born again to be able to get into heaven, you must ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. Jesus is an exclusive Savior. Acts 4:12 says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name in heaven given to men by which we must be saved” Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Eternal damnation, hell is the death being talked about while eternal life is with Jesus in heaven.

Are you ready to toss your false gods aside and commit or recommit to Jesus? I would totally encourage you to do it today. Do it now! Find someone to pray with you, to pray for you. Write me, I’ll pray for you. You will be so amazed at how peaceful and joyful your life can be when Jesus is you number one priority. Amen?

Have a good day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …

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