Saturday, December 13, 2014

December 13 - James 4:1-5:20, 1 Timothy 1:1-2:15

Good morning everyone,

James 4 submits the question, “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” Discontent among believers is always harmful. James suggests that these conflicts are a result of evil desires battling within us. We want more possessions, more money, better position, more everything, you name it and when we don’t get it jealousy raises it’s evil little head causing us to behave in a way that’s, well, not so pretty. It could take on the appearance of fighting, cheating or even something more desperate. Instead of  trying to keep up with the Jones’s or aggressively grabbing what we want, we should submit ourselves to God, ask Him to help us get rid of our selfish desires. Make sense? Then trust Him to give us what we really need.

The book of 1 Timothy. Timothy was one of the best known of Paul's friends and fellow-laborers. He was probably one of Paul's own converts, as the apostle describes him as his beloved and faithful son in the Lord and he writes to "Timothy my true child in faith.” Timothy was a young reliable evangelist, an early Billy Graham or Greg Laurie, skilled at presenting the gospel and respected by fellow believers.

I think there are few things in life more exciting than a young person on fire for the Lord. I look around the church and, I’ll be honest, I am a wee bit envious, when I see the teens just praising and loving God. I wish I had had that when I was their age. I understand that God has different plans for us and we are a culmination of life’s ups and downs to get us to where we need to be for God to use us now, but oh to have that joy in the Lord at such a young age. Yay for them!! :-)

I know I have said it before but I am going to say it again. Friends, people, teach your children, your grandchildren, the neighbors children, any child you have contact with, about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Recite Scripture to them from the day they are born, have them saying it when they don’t even know what they are saying yet, firmly planting the truth of our Abba in their little heads allowing them the opportunity to fall deeply in love with Yahweh at a very young age. 

God's Word is like a seed. We know because of what Jesus said in Luke 8:11  "Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” Seeds do not grow sitting in a sack on your shelf. They must be planted in the proper place. If you want our children to desire the Word of God in their lives, we must decide to plant the Word in their hearts and minds now. Then nourish the seeds. Protect and take care of them until harvest time. A seed which is dug up, or not watered, will not produce. 

2 Corinthians 9:6 says, “But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” I can not encourage you more to sow bountifully. For if the Lord should tarry, these children are the church of the future. Let’s get them ready. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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