Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11 - Genesis 30:25-31:55

Good morning everyone,

Well, finally after years of being barren Rachel conceives and gives birth to a son. They call the boy Joseph. The very same Joseph whose 10 older brothers conspire against and sell him to slave traders, while telling their father the boy had been mauled by an animal. The same Joseph who will oversee the lands of Egypt, and whose brothers will humbly bow to and ask for grains and foods to keep from starvaing. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Today we read that shortly after Joseph’s birth, the Lord tells Jacob it is time for him to take his family and the wealth he has accumulated and head back to his homeland. He has worked for Laban for twenty years and though over and over again Laban made a habit of changing his wages, Jacob continues to prosper while Laban’s flocks were not as strong. This causes jealousy and friction. 

Jacob called his wife to him and talked it out with them, explaining all of what had gone  between him and their father over the years, making them aware of his intentions. They agreed Jacob should do whatever God had told him to do. However in an effort to secure her father’s inheritance, Rachel, when Laban had gone to shear his sheep, stole her father’s household gods without telling a single sole. Then in true Jacob style, he fled with all he had, crossed the Euphrates River, and headed for the hill country of Gilead without a word of good-bye.

This did not bode well with Laban who, upon hearing the news, takes off after Jacob and company and despite the three day lead Jacob had, Laban easily over took them. But God knew how angry Laban was and the harm he could do to Jacob so in an effort to protect him God speaks to Laban in a dream telling him, “Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.” which he kind of complied to. 

Before parting ways Laban and Jacob make a covenant to basically leave each other alone building a heap of rocks, a pillar which served not only as a reminder to all those who witnessed the agreement but also as a guide-post marking a boundary not to be crossed by future generations. They didn’t much trust each other but agreed to disagree. Then Laban kissed his daughters and grandchildren good-bye and headed home.

Laban sacrificed a life of watching his daughters live out their lives and seeing his grandchildren grow because of jealous insecurities. Fueled by his own son’s bitter rivalry, Laban didn’t think it was fair or right that Jacob have more than he did. He liked being the best, numero uno and when he wasn’t he sabotaged Jacob. May I suggest to you that by our perspective life will never, ever be fair. Way more often than not we too will not come in first. The great news is, in Matthew 19:30 Jesus says about rewards, “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” He also said in Mark “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.”
Friends, we are to follow Jesus’ example. If we walk in the Spirit we will not think highly of ourselves and it will be no problem see others do better than ourselves. It will be our hearts desire to serve others, no matter who they are. Make sense? The more we serve today, the more rewards there will be for us later. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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