Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good morning everyone,

Jan 7 - Genesis 21:8-23:20 | Genesis 11:32 | Genesis 24:1-67

Wow! More great reading today, so many great stories in Genesis, leaving us with so much to think about. I can hardly wait until tomorrow! 
Can you imagine how awkward at best and at times down right unlivable, albeit by their own consequence of choice, it was for Sarah, Hagar, Ismael and Abraham. Honestly, I know that was a different time, but the thought of my husband having a mistress much less a child with her, would require a bit more grace than I imagine myself mustering up. My heart does go out to Ishmael, who was thrown into the middle of this by no choice of his own and now, having  been an only child, the apple of his father’s eyes for more than 13 years has this baby, this little half brother named Isaac who has robbed him of a lot of his father’s love and attention . Of course he is going to be upset and taunting the little 3 year old kid, he doesn’t like how he has rocked his world. Naturally, both mothers stick up for their respective sons and Hagar along with Ishmael are sent away with very little provisions. Isn’t it beautiful, though, how when their water ran out the Lord stepped in to provide for them. Not only that but I loved how the Lord provided for Hagar and Ishmael to the point of promising to make him into a great nation. 
Later we read God told Abraham to take his only legitimate son Isaac up to the mountains and use him as a burnt offering. Now, I just really love, love, love that Abraham never once said, “What?! You can’t be serious!”. His faith told him that Isaac would be alright. Remember in chapter 17 God told Abram, “What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations.” He would be the father of many nations! Well that is a little tough to do if you don’t have any legitimate children. So he follows the plan, he chops the firewood, loaded up the donkey. grabbed two servants and Isaac and took off to obey God’s wishes. Abraham obeyed God to the point of tying Isaac up and drawing the dagger out to kill him with before the Angel of the Lord stepped in to stop him. Amazing faith! Don’t let it go unnoticed that Abraham earlier told the servants that “we” will come back and also that when Isaac asked where was the lamb they were to sacrifice Abraham told him that God himself would provide. I absolutely love the trust Abraham had in the Lord, I want that for my life, I want that for your lives.

You all have a great day, God bless you.

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