Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 10 - Genesis 28:6-30:24

Good morning everyone,

This morning we pick up with Jacob fleeing from his brother to go and live with his mother’s family in Haran. While in route  God appears to him in a dream where he sees a stairway that reached from earth to heaven with angels of God going up and down it, can you even imagine how awesome that would have been to see? Anyway, the purpose of the dream is to confirm the covenant promises made by God to Abraham. 
When Jacob gets to Haran history repeats itself in that, like Jacob’s mother Rebekah who was found by the well so will Jacob find his love Rachel and set out to make her his wife. This is not going to be as easy as he had hoped it would be though and Jacob will soon  learn what it is like to be on the other side of deception, however through this we will see that Jacob is a very patient man and how as a strong leader he could also be a servant. Jacob worked seven years for the hand of Rachel but Laban, her father, instead gave Leah her older sister away to Jacob and told him that the would have to work another seven years and he could then have Rachel for his wife, which he did.
In chapter 29:31 we read that “When the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless”. Rachel became frustrated with this and in an effort to win the affection of Jacob which (btw) she already had will, like Sarah, take things into her own hands and give her servant over to her husband to have sons for her. In the end God will open her womb and she will give birth to Joseph.
Trusting God and being patient when nothing seems to happen is so very difficult, but it is harder still to live with the consequence of choice when we take matters into our won hands. Are you waiting on something today that you feel the Lord has either forgotten about or is not acting quickly enough for you? I would encourage you to resist temptation. Pray and ask God for the patience and courage to wait on Him.
I pray you all have a good day,

God bless you.

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