Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 16 - Genesis 42:1-45:15

Good morning everyone,

As we begin reading today, the famine has spread through out all of Canaan. When Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt he sent 10 of his sons, leaving Benjamin behind, to buy some. Since Joseph was the governor of the land it would be him that the brothers would have to face to make the request for grain. When they met him they showed the proper respect and bowed down to Joseph who recognized them immediately, however they had no idea that it was Joseph they were talking to. We know that Joseph was glad to see them, we’re told he wept but for the time being Joseph kept his identity a secret, he confronted them with life and death, made them squirm a bit, causing them to remember what they had done to Joseph many years ago. He created a situation where they would have to bring Benjamin, his only brother by his mother Rachel, to Egypt and as far as they knew in jeopardy of becoming enslaved. Then Joseph set them up, he hid his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack and accused him of stealing it. When Joseph told the ten brothers that they could go back home but Benjamin would have to stay to pay for the crime of taking the cup Judah asked for a word with Joseph. Judah pleaded on behalf of Benjamin and Jacob, knowing what it would do to his father, offering to exchange places with Benjamin. This touched Joseph so deeply that he revealed his true identity to the brothers and could be heard weeping throughout the house. Imagine the brothers surprise and fear when they realized it was, in fact, Joseph they were talking to. They were quickly reassured that they had nothing to fear then sent back to get Jacob to bring him and the entire family to Joseph, where they would have plenty to eat.
This is beautiful story of faith and forgiveness. Joseph had, what most people would consider, every right to still be angry with his brothers, hold a grudge, get even, but he didn’t. He was so overcome with joy he wept on more than one occasion. Love, love, love his heart!! We should all be more like that. Sometimes terrible things happen and we just don’t get the “why”. In this story  Joseph saw the “why” and before Jacob died he was able to see the “why” in his heart being broken with his favorite son being taken from him at such a young age, presumably dead. Since most of us don’t live to be 147 years old, more often than not we don’t see the “why” of what God does, we don’t see the whole picture. God calls us to trust Him and as Christians to not only ‘talk the talk’ but ‘walk the walk’, to have faith in our God. He is an awesome God and His plans and ways are perfect.

I pray you have a good day.

God bless you all.

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