Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 15 - Genesis 40:1-23 | Genesis 35:28-29 | Genesis 41:1-57

Good morning everyone,

Today we open up with Joseph still in prison, after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, where he will meet the kings cup bearer and baker both also having landed themselves in prison. While in there Joseph will interpret dreams for them which tells of their future. Later when the king himself has a couple of disturbing dreams the cup bearer will remember what Joseph had done and mention it to the king. The king sends for Joseph and after interpreting the kings dreams Joseph is immediately placed in charge of the land, second in command, answering only to the king himself. 

Is that something or what? Joseph’s life has been one of a roller coaster ride, born into a wealthy household, sold into slavery, put in charge of the Captain of the  Guards, Potiphar’s, estate, then back to prison and now he is second in command of all the land. What I see here and love is that not once do we read that Joseph was bitter or angry with God  over his circumstances. He carried on and even in slavery and prison he did well, he did not sit around being miserable he instead worked at making things better so that even the guards took notice and put him in charge of other prisoners.

How do you react when things don’t go your way or just how you have them planned out? Do you spend a lot of time being angry, kicking a can around, so to speak; or do you look around at the place God has you and see opportunities to do a whole different kind of work, something you would not have planned but the need is there and the reward is so much greater if only you get over yourself and be content, happy with what you do have.

I wonder how many lives were changed at just getting the opportunity to hear from Joseph when he was in prison. Today there is a christian woman named Hannah Overton who despite the lack of evidence sits in a prison cell in Texas. Without going into her whole story, she was falsely accused of contributing to the death of her foster child. It is shocking how blinded and inconsistent the system has been in her case and yet there she sits. Does she mope about crying “why me”? No, instead she has started Bible study after Bible study and has brought countless women to the Lord. When she gets to heaven not only will her reward will be great, but she will get to see all the many people, God’s plan to have her where she is today, saved.
How is God using you?

Have a great day.

God bless you all …

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