Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 24 - Job 19:1-21:34

Good morning everyone,

This morning we begin with Job now on his 6th speech, a response to Bildad.
Once again, while reading 19:6, I remind myself that Job did not have the advantage of being able to read Job 1 and 2, the first two chapters of the book. He does not know that it is Satan, the destroyer, the father of lies who is bringing all this havoc, all this torment down on his life, not God. One might argue, “well, yes, but it is God who allowed it”, and for sure this is true but let’s remember how all this came about. Satan went to God and told him basically that God buys the love He gets from Job with the success he has given Job in his life, that if Job’s business, family and friends were to all disappear Job would curse God, yet … yet, Job has not cursed God. Let’s also remember that God knows Job, as He knows you and me, very, very well. He knows how much pain, disappointment and hurt we can endure. The closer we are to God, and Job a very righteous man was crazy close, the more hardship it will take to sharpen our swords, to put us through the refining fire, you know? We are assured in 1Corinthians 10:13 that we can trust God. He will not let us be tempted more than we can bear. That when we are tempted, God will also give us a way to escape that temptation, but once again Job isn’t privy to that scripture, it will not be written for quite some time. So having said all that, though Job’s faith is strong, claiming in 19:25 “I know that my redeemer lives” he is still wondering why God has wronged him, why God does not answer when he cries out.

Chapter 20 will be the last time we hear from Zophar. As he is sitting there listening to all the dialog going on, can’t you just see him chomping at the bit ready to get right back in there to give his second speech, his “yes, buts”? He is clearly disturbed by the rebuke he received, and in his is anxiety he’ll list the things that a wicked man does. Zophar was wrong in directing his anger against Job but I think he is pretty spot on about the final end of evil people.

Chapter 21 we see Job though baffled, stunned by the reasons for his suffering he continues to proclaim God’s superior understanding by asking in vs. 22 “Who can teach a lesson to God, since He judges even the most powerful?” … To which I can only say, who indeed? 

I love, love, love this mans faith! There is so much encouragement and strength to be gleaned from how he blindly, desperately holds on tighter and tighter, digging his heals in deeper and deeper as the onslaught of harassment  from the three men who originally came in love and friendship are now his accusers in their desperate effort to be right. Job knows that his Redeemer lives and has put his faith and hope in the Rock. It is my prayer that I, that we can all have the faith of Job when temptations or grief stare us straight in the face.

I pray you have a great day.

God bless you all …

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