Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good morning everyone,

January 8 - Genesis 25:1-4; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33; Genesis 25:5-6; Genesis 25:12-18; 1 Chronicles 1:28-31; 1 Chronicles 1:34; Genesis 25:19-26; Genesis 25:7-11

Today we are going to start off with a lot of genealogy. There are a lot of “sons of” and names that are different and can be a little tough to pronounce, that is if you’re anything like me. Try to hang in there though because it can get very interesting seeing the generations unfold. I am going to give you the link to where I do my daily reading, I find it is a lot easier than bouncing back and forth from book to book. If you like it let me know and I will include it on the days there is more than one book we are reading from. 

Also in our reading today will be introduced to Abraham’s grandson’s, Isaac’s sons by Rebekah, Esau and Jacob. These boys were twins but we’ll see that they were as different as night and day. They spent much of their life struggling with one another from before they were even born.

Esau was known for his hunting skills, and he was able to forgive after a heated confrontation. 

Jacob, a shepherd/livestock owner, was known to be a good businessman, determined to work long and hard for what he wanted, however, having said that, he often relied on deception and his own resources rather than God when faced with conflict.

Enjoy your reading today and God bless you all.

Link for reading;

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