Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good morning everyone,

January 6 - Genesis 18:1-21:7

How are you all doing with your daily readings? For those of you who are new or may not know, we are on a one year Chronological  journey through the Bible. As you can see we are in Genesis, it has been awesome reading again of the beginning, Adam and Eve, Noah, the flood and so much more. I encourage you and  hope you will jump right in and join us.

Today in chapter 18 we will read of how the Lord appeared to Abraham near an oak grove. Abraham saw Him walking up the road and ran to meet Him and then asked Him to please stay for a meal. Abraham and Sarah did not just scrape up some leftovers for the Lord, no, no, no. They prepared a huge meal for the Lord while He rested in the shade of a tree, using the best flour, a choice, tender calf, fresh yogurt, and milk. It was totally a lot of work but they were honored to serve the Lord in that way. I wonder, are we always that eager to serve the Lord? When He calls us to do anything do we jump right up and give it our best? When he beckons us to spend a bit of time with Him do we, out of duty open the Bible for a few minutes then jump on the computer or do we bow our heads and worship Him, give Him our full attention and cherish all He has to show us? There is nothing better than known God’s Word and growing closer to Him.
Anyway, that was way they served the Lord cool but my favorite verse in chapter 18 is right after Sarah laughs when the Lord tells Abraham that within a year they would be parents, verse 14 says “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”  Of course the answer is no. What a great reminder it is to pray specifically and often to the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says “pray without ceasing” When we do it will start to form a pattern and it serves to remind us that God is personally involved in our lives and is nudging us to ask for His power to help. He loves us and more than anything wants us to be near Him, to call on Him. He is honored to help us. 

So with that I hope you have a super good day I pray God will richly bless you all :-)

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