Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13 - Zechariah 9:1-14:21

Good morning everyone,

Powerful reading today! We started off with a prophecy judging Israel’s enemies. Then chapter twelve begins the prophecy for the destruction of Jerusalem’s foes. It begins with, “The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares: “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling.” Umm, that would be enough for me to join forces with Jerusalem. How about you? But what I really like in that is it says that the Lord forms the human spirit within a person. (I am stepping up onto my soap box for a moment) The populace who advocate and perform abortions contend that babies are nothing more than bones and tissue, easily disposed of. Well, a thousand years ago “they” believed the world was flat, however in both Isaiah and in Job we can read that the world is a sphere. Science would go on to prove what the Bible had been telling us for centuries, the world is, indeed, round. Here we read that from the moment we are conceived we have a spirit God himself formed in us, a soul. I guess what blows me away is how people will continue to ignore what God says in the Bible to please or appease their own selfishness. Ughh! (Stepping down now)

Chapter fourteen speaks to when the Lord will return to rein. In going through these Old Testament books, several times we have read words to the effect of, that on the day the Lord returns his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and it will result in an earthquake to beat all earthquakes, splitting the the Mount in two from east to west. This will provide a way for his people to escape safely. Well I can go on and on about how God makes provisions for us, but let’s look at some of the other modifications that will take place. Okay?

There will be a lot of changes when the Lord comes to to rein during the Millennium. The enemy, satan will be chained up along with all of his demon followers and there will be peace on earth. It will not be a democracy. Thank you Jesus!! God will be on the throne to rein and rule over all. I personally love that part because man does a really lousy job of governing. We will have new bodies that won’t have pain or disease. I like that part too :-) According to Isaiah all the animals will eat only plants and vegetables and fruit, and they won't hurt each other or us! Also, people won't eat them for meat. Imagine that! Furthermore, we will be like the angels of God, only better. We will be able to appear or disappear whenever we want, (but remember we will be in human form) and fly from one place to another as fast as we can think it. We will go to the temple once a year and worship together Yahweh. I can’t wait for that, it will be amazing. Right on?

For now though, while we wait for God to set his plan in motion, we should be about doing God’s work, spreading the Gospel and whatever else God asks you to do because this is our training ground. Everything we are being taught now and doing now and the decisions we make now and the lessons we learn now are all a part of our schooling and your training so we can be greatly used by the Lord there and then! Make sense? Jesus said that "He that was faithful with very little, will be faithful also with very much.” He also that said, "Because you have been faithful in a very little, I will make you ruler over ten cities!” Are you being faithful? Or have you fallen into complacency? We all need to live each day believing Jesus will take up His church in the next five minutes. We all need to be saying “Yes, Lord. Yes, to Your will and to your ways because I know we all want to hear from our Lord, “Well done good and faithful servant”. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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