Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28 - John 3:1-4:45 | Luke 3:19-20

Good morning everyone,

Today we read about the Pharisee Nicodemus. He was a member of the Sanhedrin, a group of religious leaders who were appointed in every city of Israel to help govern the land. Historians report him to be a smart man, a curious and fair person. He no doubt had heard, if not seen first hand, what Jesus had done with the money changers in the Temple and of the miracles he had been performing since then. And so it was that Nicodemus set out to have a face to face with Jesus, to see for himself, separate fact from fiction. We’re told that he went to Jesus at night, some would suggest for a secret meeting and while it is true, Nicodemus meeting with Jesus would not have been looked upon favorably by the other Sanhedrins, it is possible that they were both just quite busy in the daylight hours. Jesus had crowds following him in hopes of a miraculous healing and Nicodemus had his day job doing what import and officials do. Also the days were quite hot so perhaps a roof top chat in the cool of the evening was much more appealing. 

Right away Nicodemus recognizes that Jesus is a teacher from God and Jesus wastes no time telling him that, “no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
I can see Nicodemus scratching his head and going, “What?? Born again?” Nicodemus knew the Old Testament throughly but he did not know what it said about the Messiah. Jesus very patiently and in love explains to Nicodemus what being born again looks like and its importance, clearly stating you must be born of the Spirit for eternal life, that you can never achieve salvation on your own. Then Jesus tells Nicodemus the good news, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” The greatest declaration of love ever!

Sadly, while John 3:16 is an amazing passage of scripture, I think most people who know it or are familiar with it use it lightly, even take the passage somewhat for granted. Stop for a moment, if you will and really think about what those first six words say, “For God so loved the world.” He is not talking about all the traffic or crime or even terminal illness. Nothing along those lines. He is talking about what we’re told He spent 6 days back in the book of Genesis creating, the world and all the trees and animals. Designing where all the different spices of trees would be planted, where the animals would live and what they would eat, Adam and Eve. He is talking about you and me who are able to breathe and work and reason. We are His creation, I am sure He put a lot of thought into it and He is passionate about it all, but especially about us. It totally breaks his heart that there is sin that separates us from His love and so He loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son to take on our sins, to wear them all for all of eternity so that we would be able to have a relationship with Him here on earth until we are called home to live in heaven worshiping in His presence forever. 

I believe Nicodemus “got it”, that he heard and understood the Words of Christ, for it will be Nicodemus who assists Joseph of Arimathea in preparing the corpse of Jesus for burial. I honestly believe we sill see him in heaven, but it begs the question, do you get it? Can you really understand what an amazing sacrifice it was for God to send His Son to suffer and die for you and for me. And would you think about, who do you love? a spouse, a child or even a pet? Do you love anyone  else so much that you would be willing to see them suffer and die on their behalf? In the Psalms we read, “Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.” and “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him.” 

God loves us so much more than we could ever begging to wrap our minds around so don’t let it be a cliche’. Let the weight of the words fill the depths of your soul till it over flows and the tears run down your cheeks. Let it’s truth resonate in your heart and your mind, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.” Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all ….

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