Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21 - Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 | 1 Chronicles 9:1-34

Good morning everyone,

This morning as we begin reading, the wall around Jerusalem had been completed but no one really wanted to move to the city. Now, I can relate to that, I prefer the country to the city myself but it begs the question, why wouldn’t they want to live behind the secure and safe walls of the Jerusalem? One reason could be they were established on their farms and to pack up everything they owned to make this move would mean no more gardens, fresh milk from their cows. Instead they would have to find a new home, and establish new businesses. Their whole way of life, as they knew it, would change. Another reason could be, living in Jerusalem they would be in closer proximity to the Temple which would require a stricter obedience to God’s Word. You know what I mean? But whatever the reason, because only a few volunteered to move there, they cast lots to bring one out of every ten of them to live in the city of Jerusalem. One day your a farmer, the next day a suit. Yikes, however the Lord moves us around to where we we can be most useful to Him in establishing the kingdom.

God continues to do that today in our lives too. The Bible tells us that for everything there is a season, right ad to know God is to know it is not random The Lord has a plan for each and every one of us, in Jeremiah it says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. It is our job to be in the Word, and in prayer establishing a relationship with Abba so that we are able to be sensitive to His guidance. To hear the plan he Has drawn up for us. Make sense? In Psalms we read, “You make known to me the path of life.” 

So while it is most important for us to be obedient to God’s call, before you pack it all up and move to the dark jungles of Africa on a missions trip, be sure you have heard God correctly. Ask yourself first; Is this something I want God to want me to do and so am praying “God you want me  to go there, right?” Been there, done that. Believe me it is a recipe for disappointment and failure. After you establish it is really God’s desire, then ask: Is this consistent with God’s Word? Is it a wise decision? Do I have peace about it? Has God validated it? If you are still hearing God say, “Go,” then don’t be afraid and move forward in His will. Let all of the details, where you’ll live, the finances, schools for the kids, where you will go to the doctor, where you’ll shop, all of it, up to the Lord. Where God guides, God provides and the best thing you can do is say, “Yes Lord, yes!” You can not out give or out do God, He will be in no ones debt. Believe that when you are obedient to God’s call for service of any kind, you will be blessed abundantly. Our God loves, loves, loves you and is an awesome God! Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …….

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