Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17 - Ezra 9:1-10:44 | Nehemiah 1:1-2:20

Good morning everyone,

Today we begin with Ezra who has arrived in Jerusalem and is told by the leaders there that some had taken wives and husbands from the neighboring people, those with different religious beliefs. Ezra was so sorrowful to hear this, he tore his tunic and cloak. Oh my word, he had to be thinking, “Did they learn nothing in captivity?” God’s law forbid them to marry pagans. Why? Because a person who married a pagan was inclined to adopt the worship of their spouse’s false gods and idols; make them their own. Right? That simply can not happen in God’s economy. So, with his heart breaking for the people, Ezra fell to his knees weeping and praying before the house of God. We’re told a large group of men, women and children gathered around him and they too wept bitterly. 

Ezra didn’t need to point a finger at the people for them to recognize the severity of their sin. As a matter of fact, he incorporated himself into those who had been unfaithful. When he was done praying he called a mandatory meeting of all the men of Judah and Benjamin where they would name and claim their sin then take the steps necessary to get right with God. Some hard decisions, life changing choices had to be made, but such is the case with all sin that we allow into our lives. Right? However, it feels so good to get clean, to get back in God’s grace. It feels like home.

Nehemiah … the name means “Comforter from God.” This is another one of my favorite books. We will see that this guy Nehemiah, though hundreds of miles away has a real heart for his fellow Jews and will leave the security of a great job to go help these people who are having a tough go of it. 

We know that Nehemiah was cup bearer to king Artaxerxes, making him the step-son of Queen Esther which was probably how he got the job. When I first heard the job title “cup bearer” I thought, “Really? He brings the king beverages?” When actually a cup bearer is the highest position you can hold in the king’s court. Next to the queen, a cup bearer is the king’s closest friend and confidant, responsible for taste testing anything that the king would eat or drink before it is presented to him, for poison. The job also required a conversational knowledge of politics, to always be happy in the kings presence and oddly enough, to be handsome. 

One afternoon Nehemiah is downtown, he sees some brothers from Judah and curious asks, “So, how’s it going over there in Jerusalem?” They answered, “Yeah … not so good” then went on to explain. When Nehemiah heard of the troubles they were having, like Ezra, he wept for the people. He prayed and he fasted then went before the king with his dilemma. The king basically said (and I am so understating this entire scene), “No problem, go.”  Nehemiah does go, probably searches out Ezra when he gets there to discuss the situation. After three days he goes out on his own to survey the actual damage and size of the project, upon returning Nehemiah says, “Let’s get this wall rebuilt.” Immediately satan encourages Sanballet, a Samaritan leader, to try to thwart God’s plans for Nehemiah by challenging him in saying, “Are you rebelling against the king?” Nehemiah didn’t justify Sanballet’s comment with a, “Well, I already have the king’s permission.” Instead he just told him that, “The God of heaven will give us success.” 

When we do God’s work some people will oppose us, some will even hope we fail. 1 John 3:13 says, “Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.” But when we know we are in God’s will, when we pray and ask for God’s guidance we can move forward believing He will be successful through us. Make sense? Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you He will not fail you or forsake you.” So get on out there today and  be an Ezra or a Nehemiah and boldly go forward in God’s work. Amen?

Have a good day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all…..

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