Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4 - Ezekiel 40:38-43:27

Good morning everyone,

Today we began with a lot of measurements of the “New Temple.” New Temple? Where’s the old temple and how exactly does this temple fit into the scheme of things? 
Good questions! The “New Temple” will be the fourth and final Jewish temple built. 

The first temple we read about in 1 Kings was called Solomon’s Temple. You’ll remember, this is the temple David wanted to build but God told him that he had too much blood on his hands and though David secured a lot of the material to be used, his son Solomon would be the one to actually build it.

The second temple we will read about in Ezra, it is known as Zerubabble’s temple as it was built under his leadership after the Jews returned from their 70 years of captivity in Babylon. This is also the temple we will read about in the New Testament, King Herod occupies it and will give it a remodeling. In the books of Matthew and Luke, Jesus predicted the destruction of this temple stating that not one stone would be left upon another, and sure enough, forty years later the Romans invaded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. The historian Josephus recorded that the Romans lit the city and the Temple with a torch and that the fires were still burning a month later. The fires were so hot that the gold fittings, and the gold leaf paint inside and on it's outside walls melted and ran into the cracks between the stones. During the ransacking of the Temple these stones were broken up to get at the gold fulfilling Jesus' prophecy. The destruction was total, just as Jesus foretold.

The third temple will be built in the future during the tribulation period and most would agree it will be constructed on the original temple mount site, which is pretty darn close to the Dome of the Rock, a holy site of the Islamic faith since it is the place where Mohammed allegedly ascended to Allah. Scripture prophesies this temple will be desecrated, that is to say defiled, by the anti-christ. 

The forth temple, that we read about today in Ezekiel, will be built during the Millennium. The measurements and detail described makes it unlike any previously built temple. In chapter 43 we’re told the glory of the God of Israel will fill this temple, that so excites me. I tell you what! We all crave that. Ezekiel also said His voice was like the roar of rushing water. Have you ever stood next to a really powerful waterfall like Niagara Falls, the roar is so forceful, so …… oh I don’t know, intense. You feel all consumed, taken up in it. I want to be consumed with God, to see where He will take me, the things He will show me and how He will use me. Don’t you? In James we are told, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” We do not need to be “cleaned up” to go before Him, He will clean us up we just need to come. He loves, loves, loves us and is but a thought away. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all …..

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