Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 4 - Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-17, Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35, Matthew 11:20-30, Luke 7:36-50

Good morning everyone,

Wow! Another amazing morning reading the letters in red, the spoken words of Jesus. I am so humbled by, reverent of, the text we are privileged to read. Can you see, in your mind’s eye, see how desperate the centurion was when he sought Jesus out to plead on the behalf of his suffering servant? Jesus loved his great faith and told the centurion, “Certainly dude, done deal” (okay… paraphrased).

Keep your mind’s eye working, see the widow who is walking behind the men carrying her dead son out of town on a coffin board. See the compassion Jesus had as he stopped  and looked at her. We’re told His heart went out for this woman and he told her “Don’t cry.” Friends, that makes me cry. Then he brought her son back to life. Can you see her loving and hugging her son she thought she had lost forever? That is so beautiful! Right?

In Matthew and in Luke we read John the Baptist had been put in prison by Herod. As John sits there, and remember these are not like any jail cells you would see here in America. These are dark, dank, cold, under ground, very small cells or sometimes just holes in the ground with a grate across the top. Anyway, John is receiving conflicting information about Jesus’ ministry and he begins to have doubts as to whether Jesus really was the Messiah. He sends his own disciples down with questions for Jesus, asking, “Are you the one I was to prepare the way for?” 

I love, love, love how Jesus did not get angry or offended by John’s inquiry. Jesus did not rebuke John but instead Jesus answered John’s doubts by pointing out what He had been doing, so far as, healing the blind, the deaf, the lepers, and raising the dead. Look at those words “healing the blind, the deaf, the lepers”, “raising the dead” easy to roll off the tongue, but what if you saw that happen? Think about it … just sayn’. 

At one time or another we are all like John. The enemy prowls around, infiltrates our minds and the next thing you know fear and doubt is controlling our thoughts and actions. Ughh! The devil and his demons are such miserable creeps! but this is where faith really has to come into play. When we doubt we need to do exactly what John did, take it to Jesus. Pray to Him, ask Him, “What is up with this? What’s the truth?” It is only as you begin to face your doubts honestly, that you can begin to resolve them. Make sense? 

In John we read that Jesus said to those who believed in Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” You have problems, questions, doubts, fears? Take them to Jesus, read His Word and get the truth. I know, I really, really know how hard and relentless attacks can be. I do! I honestly do! With every day that goes by the enemy rears his wicked head and attacks my self confidence, my abilities, sometimes even my salvation but I recognize them as all being lies. When you choose to love and live for Jesus you are signing up for a life long battle with the enemy who will use every weakness you have to cripple you, to make you tremble and suspect Jesus. Do not let him do that to you! You must always remember, I must always remember, to do like John and take it directly to Jesus for the truth. Amen? 

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all….

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