Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7 - Mark 5:1-20, Matthew 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-39, Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke8:40-56

Good morning everyone,

Today we begin with a look at the man who had been demon-possessed that Jesus restored. I choose not to entertain demons in actions or thought anymore than necessary. I have personally seen them and they scare the hell out of me, just sayn’. They are very real and can house in your body and control you, at worst; torment the tears out of you, make your life miserable, at best. People who frequent fortune tellers, ouija boards, do hallucinogenic drugs, or have anything to do with the dark spiritual world are inviting trouble into their minds, body and soul. So, it is briefly that I will say the Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee from us. It also says in 1Peter, when Christ reigns in a person’s life, that person is protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last times. When the Holy Spirit inhabits a person, no demon can set up house as a squatter. I strongly would encourage you to recognize and respect the power the enemy has but remember to leave it alone. Let Jesus battle the enemy and his sick demons for you. He has experience with it, He has the power to, He will beat the enemy every time and Jesus totally wants to protect you, to protect all of us like that. He loves us. Enough said :-)

I so love the picture of the other two miracles we read about today. First Jairus, the synagogue leader, whose little twelve year old daughter died and Jesus brought back to life. These days, I know what a twelve year old girl looks like, how precious and full of life at the end of their “little kid” years embarking on “teen time”. Oh, every age has its priceless qualities, I just happen to be witnessing that particular space in time with granddaughters. So it blessed me in a whole new way when I read it this year. 

Then there’s the woman who was sick, then healed by faith. This picture is amazing and can be applied to everyone of us because sin has the ability to make us sick. The Bible says in Micah, “Therefore I will also make you sick by striking you, by making you desolate because of your sins.” We don’t have to necessarily be bad or wicked people to be sin sick. Do you remember Naaman, the valiant soldier from the book of Kings? He was a good man, a great man, in fact. He had distinguished himself with notable military success, and was a greatly respected public figure. Still, he could not cleanse himself, nor could he be cleansed by the king. That had to be a bummer for him. It was only when he finally put his faith in the words of God’s prophet that he was cleansed. His sin was washed away. 

Friends, there is power in the Blood. When you have wandered a bit off path, when something has you sin sick I would encourage you to exercise your faith. Be like the woman in the parable, fall to your knees and grab the hem of the robe belonging to Jesus. Make sense? Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” We are all sinners and all get sick from time to time. Jesus is the great physician and longs to heal us all.  Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all…..

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