Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18 - John 10:1-42, Luke 13:22-14:24

Good morning everyone,

Today we come to the parable of the good shepherd. The image of Jesus as a Good Shepherd arguably is the most known and loved one by all Christians, an image which is full of many significances. Agreed? 

The analogy of a shepherd and his sheep would be very easy for Jesus’ audience to relate to. It is most probable that they all, if not a shepherd themselves, had seen a sheepfold and had heard, as well as passed along, stories relating to the sheep’s care. 

In the sheepfold the shepherd functioned as a gate, letting the sheep in and protecting them. The parallel would be, Jesus is the gate to God’s salvation for us. He offers us access to safety and security being our protector and provider. Furthermore, in contrast to the enemy, the thief in the night ready to scale the wall of the sheepfold to take our life, Jesus offers us life, giving up his own on our behalf.

In this parable the expression “I AM” is repeated three times. Over and over in the book of John Jesus tells us, “I AM.” 6:51, “I AM the living bread.” 8:23, “I AM from above.” 8:12, “I AM the light of the world.” 8:58, “before Abraham was, I AM.” John 10:9, "I AM the door.” 10:11, "I AM the good shepherd.” 10:36, 'I AM the Son of God.” 11:25, "I AM the resurrection and the life.” 14:16, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life.” 15:1, "I AM the true vine.” 19:2, "I AM the King of the Jews.”

The I Am In the Old Testament was whatever man needed. Jesus in the New Testament uses all the “I AM’s” to show who He is. He is everything to man and the only way to God. I know that flies in the face of some but it is the truth. 

I think the most important of all the “I AM’s” is found at John 8:24, after he tells them I am not of this world. "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.” Jesus is the great I Am. He was in the beginning, He is now and will be forevermore, unto the end.

There is no doubt that the Jews understood what He was saying to them because they took up stones to kill Him for making Himself equal with God. The question is; In your heart do you stone Jesus or do you embrace Him and allow Him to shepherd your life? As for me and my house, we choose Jesus. Amen.

Have a great day and to God be the glory.
God bless you all …..

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