Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9 - Luke 9:7-9, Mark 6:14-29, Matthew 14:1-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:45-52, Matthew 14:22-33, John 6:16-21, Mark 6:53-56, Matthew 14:34-36 9:7-9, Mark 6:14-29, Matthew 14:1-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:45-52, Matthew 14:22-33, John 6:16-21, Mark 6:53-56, Matthew 14:34-36

Good morning everyone,

This morning as we began our reading, the word of Jesus and his ministry has reached king Herod the tetrarch who is perhaps a bit frightened, or maybe even hopeful, that, John the Baptist has risen from the dead. You see, Herod, though he liked John and enjoyed his teaching, had had him beheaded while one night during Herod’s birthday celebration, when wine was flowing, the king had fallen for the seductive charms of a dancer and right there in front of all his guests promised her up to half of his kingdom.  She chose, rather her mother the vindictive Herodias chose, to have John’s head brought to her on a platter. 

This is another event that just rolls through the brain, no real thought being given to it but it is in my mind’s eye that I can see John, sitting in his dark, dank dungeon cell. Just another day in paradise. He hears the guards coming towards him, much the same as he has heard many times before. He may have been excited for the company, only as they get closer he sees that this time there is a little something different in their eyes. I rather imagine he was not hysterical but instead calm, probably praying through them laying his head on the stump and lowering the ax. 

I wonder how Herod felt the next day, as he woke up with a head pounding from hangover, when his staff reminded him that he’d had the young preacher boy, John, killed. I think he might have been sorry, maybe even feeling guilty as he thought about how he had allowed his pride to determine the end of John’s life. 

It embarrasses me to say I have experience, in seasons gone by, a time before I committed my life to Jesus, with alcohol and pride driving my decisions. Times when I too woke up in the morning and thought, “what have I done?” sometimes endangering other’s lives as well as my own. It is not a great feeling, just sayn’. I am telling you I don’t care how “inviting” that type of living looks, how “fun” it all sounds, friends, it is empty and ultimately will leave you all alone with the enemy whispering lies in your ear to draw you deeper into the mire. It is true. Run from that life now and into the arms of Jesus. A life given to Jesus and living His desires for you is what actual fun is all about. It is what real happiness feels like. I can not say this big enough. 
Ecclesiastes 2:26 says, “To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness.” You get that? Happiness is a gift of God given to those who please Him. It is not to say you won’t suffer some as a Christian, because you will. God knows that and encourages us in Romans with, “Rejoice in your sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” He has poured His love into our hearts, does it get any better than that?

You know, every single one of us is born with a hole, an emptiness in our hearts and souls and there is an urgent need we all have to fill this void, this emptiness to find true peace, joy and hope. Friends, listen up, I am telling you, nothing, let me repeat, NOTHING this world has to offer can fill that emptiness we feel inside. No amount of money, gambling, entertainment, success, drugs, alcohol, can fill it, but Jesus alone. Get high on life with Jesus. Amen?

Have a great day and to God be the glory.

God bless you all…..

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